<p>I have been brainstorming for the last two weeks, writing down bits and pieces of what I want to talk about for essay #1 and #2. Everytime I try to write the essay, I just write more bits and pieces: a word, an incomplete sentence, an outline. Am I thinking to much? I've asked for help, and the one advice that keeps coming up is, write the complete essay without thinking about how it will come out and do not edit. Duh! Yet, I am still here...not doing it.</p>
<p>Anyone having or had similiar problems? Are ya still stuck? How you get over it if you've completed it...</p>
<p>Iceboar, I’m having the same problems as you. I decided just to outline and write it out no matter how long it took. After you get the rough draft done, make sure to go get it edited by different professors, counselers, and transfer specialists. It might be a bit late now with the deadline coming up but just do the best you can!</p>
<p>Why not visit your transfer/career center to see if they have any personnel there that can help you with your essays? Your English teachers or tutors can also be of service to you.</p>