help on schedule please

<p>so my first year schedule looks like: calculus 1, general chemistry, english, and perspectives...
any other classes you guys recommend ? i cant take biology because i have to take chemistry first ...</p>

<p>Well, looks like you have most of the premed requirements covered (english, math, gen chem) so how about a class you're interested in? To premeds it's a pretty novel idea to take a class just for the sake of learning.</p>

To premeds it's a pretty novel idea to take a class just for the sake of learning.


If I had a dime for every time someone asked me why I was taking History last semester...</p>

<p>i have no clue what to take. should i go ahead and sign up for a 5th class or save that time and work/volunteer in a hospital or something ?</p>

<p>Four classes is probably enough for your first semester. How many credits is that? And what is perspectives?</p>

<p>Remember, you want to get the best grades possible, so don't overload yourself while you are getting used to college life. I wouldn't recommend working your first year if you can avoid it.</p>

<p>I don't know you. I don't know how smart you are. I don't know how well you manage time. I don't know how tough the school you go to is. I don't know how many credits you came into college with. I don't know how many credits you need to graduate. We can't plan out your schedule. You should be doing some kind of EC (whether it's working a job or volunteering at a hospital or whatever) so if you don't feel you can do that and take a 5th class, then don't.</p>

<p>i have a total of 12 credits so far with these 4 classes
perspectives is a core class which is about global issues, etc.</p>

<p>Oh, now, now, norcalguy. The OP is just a beginner at college questions, looking for some help. He/she doesn't know the answers to those questions yet either. It's to his/her advantage to take things just a little easier that first semester. You don't have to get going on a job and volunteering your first semester. You should get adjusted to college (that doesn't mean partyland) and get excellent grades. There is time for the rest. Getting A's in your first semester would be the best way to start college.</p>

<p>You might add another class that will satisfy one of your general ed requirements (history, anthropology, intro to psychology). Then you will have probably 15 credits. But I would only add that extra class if you are a good student already and feel confident about managing your time well.</p>

<p>i was thinking about history ... which is also a core class</p>

<p>One thing that you need to remember is that you will have a lot of reading in your classes and probably written assignments as well. So think about it: calculus homework problems, chemistry reading and problems (do you have lab with this too, I assume), reading and writing for perspectives, reading and writing for English. OK with all that...just think about adding history with reading and writing as well. Sometimes you end up with something due in every class in one week, and that's when you want to tear your hair out. </p>

<p>You have to think ahead to what the last week of class and finals week will be like.</p>

<p>ok i'll think about it, i still have a week to decide.
thanks for the help.</p>