Help please!!!

<p>If my regular admission deadline is Jan 1, does it make a difference whether I apply earlier for:
-financial aid/scholarships
-overall chances
-dorm selection

<p>My mom is convinced that applying Nov 15 instead of let's say Dec 4 is better EVEN WHEN THE DEADLINE IS JAN 1. I'm trying to tell her that colleges that are non-rolling look at everyone's app AFTER JAN 1. Can someone please clear this up!?!?</p>

<p>Watch the “priority” financial aid deadlines very carefully for each college and do your best to submit by that date. You can submit estimated information at first, and then email a revised form later to each college.</p>

<p>Many colleges get tons of applications a few days before the deadline. It is best to try to get an application in at least a month before the regular admissions deadline. This is because: 1) it is likely to get more individualized attention by the admissions officers because they are not yet sick of the whole process, and 2) it gives more time to fix a problem, such as a late teacher recommendation. Also, with an earlier submittal you have less to fear from last minute technical glitches, such as a virus wipes out your essay.</p>