<p>I am considering (though definitely not applying to all):</p>
WashU in St. Louis
Johns Hopkins University
<p>(I tried to list in order of selectivity - not sure if correct)</p>
<p>What are super reach/ reach/ match-reach/ match/ safety-match/ and safety?</p>
<p>MY STATS (testing, gpa, recs, ec's)</p>
ACT: 34 Composite (34E, 35M, 31R, 34S)
SATII: 800 Bio, 770 MathII, 740 French
never taken SATI, ever (should i take it this saturday?)
AP: 5Bio, 5AP Euro, 4Chem, 4French Lang, 4Eng Lang & Comp</p>
Unweighted 3.91 (3 semester B+'s)
Weighted 4.28 (highest ever was 4.45, kid who got into all ivies last year and was presidential scholar)</p>
AP's: Bio, Euro, Lang & Comp, French Language, Chem, Calc BC, Stat, Civics/Gov, Econ, Eng Lit
(10 total)
Honors: Geometry, Algebra II, Trig, Physics
- basically, took as many AP's/Honors possible, unless conflicted with other AP's (ie: couldn't take US History AP due to AP French Lang, couldn't take AP French Lit due to AP Stat)</p>
- 2 Teacher: amazing (but aren't they all amazing?)
- Counselor: dunno (I've never seen her smile at me or anyone else, but I work with her often and she called me one of her "top students")
- also getting extra rec from my PI/boss from immunology lab at Stanford </p>
<p>EXTRACURRICULAR: 3 main passions
1) 4 years of this program at school, 2 years as president. Basically we get trained in conflict management to be Peer Mediators. We're also peer mentors to help out at-risk-kids, peer tutors, volunteer at all school events, lead Freshman Advisory groups, lead other forums/conferences. I spend A LOT of time as president.</p>
<p>2) Lab work/ scientific research: I completed an out-of-state paid internship at Cleveland Clinic Foundation in an immunology lab (6 weeks), had a lab project and gave formal presentation. I'm currently working at a lab in Stanford.</p>
<p>3) Music: Took FOUR music classes EACH year of highschool (instrumental and vocal):
- Played in marching band and jazz band pianist.
- Also advanced classically-trained soprano. Sang several solos (including Mozart's Requiem with professional orchestra).
-Classically trained pianist for 9 years, finished all the theory and playing test levels, including advanced, with branch honors.</p>
<p>Other extracurriculars:
-VP of club that donated $350 in school supplies/books to an African school, funds for Katrina, raised $3500 to buy 9 elephant pumps in upper-east Zimbabwe so students and villagers can get fresh, clean water, collaborated with Room-to-Read, and working a pen-pal (digitally and paper) system
-Heavy volunteer work at local community school of music and arts as music theory teacher assistant and art camp aide
-Commended National Merit (didn't qualify for next round because not citizen)
-JV/V badminton
-Class Council (organized several fundraisers)</p>
<p>My counselor hasn't told me what my reach/match/safeties are, even though I go in and see her every the other day. I'm getting worried. I'm also not sure about Williams and Amherst. They're the only LACs on my list, and while I like the idea of an intimate, intellectual environment, I am worried about the biomedical research availability there.</p>
<p>As for major, it seems I'm geared towards pre-med, but I'm honestly interested in a variety of other areas as well. Is it okay to put down 'undecided' or do the top colleges prefer you pick 'biology' or 'bme' or something substantial like that?</p>
<p>thanks for all your help in advance!</p>