Help regarding international registration

<p>Hey, i need some fast help regarding SAT registration.
I have been studying a while now and want to give the SAT this december</p>

<p>I am new at this hence i don’t now few things please help me out</p>

<li><p>Regarding sending scores to unis, do you have to fill that in when you register for the SAT?
Because i need to have a good think about it and want to fill it out later?
Does it cost you if you dont fill out the 4 free ones now, during reg?</p></li>
<li><p>Should I order the Student Answer Service? (As you can make out, first time sat giver)
Again, can you change this later</p></li>
<li><p>Again, all those profile questions can be changed later right?
My biggest confusion is regarding sending scores. I would want to think of it.</p></li>

<p>Please help fast as the last registration day is day after!</p>

<p>I cant believe i left the registration this late!</p>

<p>You can make changes to your registration until the second Monday after the test day, this means you can update your score recipients until then with no extra charge. After that it costs about 9.50 $ each.
You are definitely fine with designating your score recipients later. Just register now and make up your score recipients later.</p>

<p>Nov 5 is the deadline for the December registration.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your replys
Can you please confirm on the fact that you can change your recipients after giving the registration for no extra?
Thats the real worry

<p>You definitely can until you take the test, I changed mine the day before the test and I’ve not been charged any extra fee. And since both times the proctor said that you can make changes to the registration until the second monday after the test, I’m pretty sure you can change the score recipients until then.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot guys!
Your help is greatly appreciated!</p>