HELP!!The Meaning of VT Motto "That I May Serve"

<p>I am doing the VT application now, and I want to use the VT mott "That I May Serve" in my personal statement, but I am not quite sure about the meaning. Can somebody explain it with example to me, please? Thanks a lot!!</p>

<p>It doesn’t mean any one thing. If you’re putting it in your personal statement you should be talking about what it means to you. Originally we were a military school, and graduates served the country in the military. Now we aren’t and graduates serve a huge number of people in a wide variety of roles.</p>

<p>It’s really only the second part of a three part sentence that goes something like “(I do something so) That I May Serve (the group that you hope to serve.)” And that something and that group are what make you you, not some canned definition.</p>

<p>The motto is carried over from VT’s origins as a military school. Until the 1960s it was mandatory for every male student to be a member of the Corps of Cadets. Now, only about 3% of the student body is composed of cadets. But tradition from the old days still exists. Like the motto.</p>

<p>Thanks you for the useful information!</p>

<p>Just me, and please do not take offense, but that would seem a little like trying to hard. i may be wrong, so definitely ask for other opinions. I tend to believe sincerity goes a long way. I personally believe that my essay helped get me in as a transfer, and I just wrote how I felt. Anyway- hope I did not come off the wrong way, definitely not my intention. Good luck!!!</p>