Help! What are my chances at Virginia Tech

I am a high school junior and ranked 14th in my class and live in Virginia, not in NoVa though.
Psat at the beginning of sophmore year with a score of 1,000
My goal is to be a veterinarian.
My school doesn’t offer AP classes only Dual Enrollment.
My classes…
Alg 2
Honors Eng 10
Biology 1
Biology 2 genetics
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Health and Wellness

Junior Year…
Math analysis
Honors Eng 11
DE Us History
Chem 1
Chem 2
Personal Finance

What should I take my senior year?
I plan to take calculus, college english, DE government, and not sure what else.

I play sports, I’m active in one club, and lots of volunteer work, and have started job shadowing…
Am I on the right track or not enough?

Uhh your GPA isn’t listed and that’s like the most important stat. You need to take the SAT and do a lot better, 1000 is very low for VT. For animal sciences you want to be taking the dual enrollment calc and chem/bio as a minimum.

GPA is 4.2 and Math Analysis, Trig, and cal are all dual enrollment.
My problem is too many dual enrollments and I would be considered a transfer student.

@VirginiaTech2020 you would not be considered a transfer with your DE credits. I applied as a freshman even though I’m getting my associate’s in may (a week before I graduate high school). You are only considered a transfer of you take more than 12 college credits after you graduate high school. I would recommend you take as many DE courses as you can but not overwhelm yourself.

1000 is insanely low for VT, GPA must be around 4.2 weighted to have a shot.

Agreed and I’m working on my sat… I took the PSAT in the beginning of sophomore year and the only math I had at that point was algebra 1 because my high school requires all Freshman take algebra 1… Now I’ve had alg 2 and geometry plus lots of practice so I expect my Junior PSAT to be much higher and in junior year after Math Analysis and Trig that it will get even better… And I with be in calculus when I take the SAT.