<p>I was wondering I have a 3.7 gpa 25 act what schools can I get into top8% texas resident what texas schools can I get into in texas tamu I am also black from Africa if that helps ut Austin or Texas tech
Anime club
President volunteer service award letter from Obama 135.6 hrs
BPA first in regionals state 14th in nationals
160hrs this year volunteering
Academic decathlon
Student council
All ap this year and honors except normal debate class
National forensics league
Please chance me ill chance back</p>
<p>are you a citizen? if yes then you can probably get fafsa money. also try for some grants and scholarships. idk how financial aid works in texas or any of your schools but its always worth it to try and even if you dont get a full ride, there is plenty of money out there for you</p>
<p>Yea since 2008 I applied to outside maybe to too high of s reach college tulane university rank 52</p>