<p>Hey, everyone! I'm going to be taking AP Literature this year, but the thing is... I've never taken an AP before D: In fact, English is not my first language, but is my best subject (lol)</p>
<p>The only thing I'm concerned about AP Lit is that I'm not 100% prepare for the class... In terms of knowing things like ethos, pathos, and logos, literary devices (metaphor, imagery, etc.), etc... So, I would like to know two things:</p>
<p>1) What am I supposed to know for the class?
2) Is it possible to learn all the terms and literary devices and whatever else for this class in a short amount of time so I can succeed?</p>
<p>Thanks thanks</p>
<p>Iām actually feeling the same way about the class.</p>
<p>Can anyone help? :)</p>
<p>You should buy an AP book to read through before the class starts just to see the type of work it will be and what you need to know before taking the class.</p>
<p>You can find them at B&N, Borders. Personally I like Princeton Review, but I know a lot of people who have different opinions. Good luck! Hard class 
[Amazon.com:</a> Cracking the AP English Literature & Composition Exam, 2011 Edition (College Test Preparation) (9780375429996): Princeton Review: Books](<a href=āhttp://www.amazon.com/Cracking-English-Literature-Composition-Preparation/dp/0375429999/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1314891909&sr=8-2]Amazon.com:ā>http://www.amazon.com/Cracking-English-Literature-Composition-Preparation/dp/0375429999/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1314891909&sr=8-2)</p>