Help with college admissions! Please!

<p>i'm a sophomore in high school right now and i'd really like to get into a top school. i do not have absolutely perfect grades but i'd like to think that i stand out (hopefully, lol) so if you could help me figure out what else i need to do, that'd be great!
-I go to Private school in New Jersey
-I Finished sophomore year with one B (92, Algebra 2)
-Pre-Calculus as a sophomore
-They won't tell us our rankings until next year, but they said i was in the top twenty in my class
-Varsity Tennis since freshman year, undefeated.
-Competitive Show Jumper (horseback riding)
-Working on getting New Jersey to change laws to make dyslexia a learning difference and provide public school aid
-100+ community service hours working with the Masons for Dyslexia and the Orton- Gillingham method of learning (helps my brother who has severe dyslexia)
-Very into Theology and Philosophy, been studying the Kabbalah, Bible, Satanic Bible, Occult rituals, Paganism and Witchcraft for three years. </p>

<p>Is there anything I need to do? Like is it okay that I got a B and that i'm not in the top five of my class? The top five at my school don't talk to people and don't have social lives or play i have a better chance than them? or just as equal?</p>

<p>oops, i meant to say that i finished freshman year with one b, not sophomore year</p>

<p>You sound really interesting. I think your interest in religion or your attempts to get dyslexia recognized as a LD in schools would make great essay topics. (And, OMG, NJ public schools says dyslexia isn’t a learning difference? WHAT?! That’s ridiculous! Keep working on that.)</p>


<p>It’s totally OK to have some Bs. I would recommend that you start thinking seriously about what kind of school you would like to attend? For example, big research university or a LAC? If you can, visit some colleges in your area (especially if you can get to different types of colleges) to see what you think about the vibe on campus. Study study study for the SAT or ACT (get one of those big prep books and do tons of practice tests). Also, maybe think about taking the Math Level 2 subject test since you’ve already finished Pre-Calc.</p>

<p>Above all, keep up your grades and good luck! And don’t come on this website too often, you’ll really psych yourself out. (As a matter of fact…I should get off of here.)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>How many kids are in your class, if there is 200 than top 20 is top 10% which is the standard for most high level colleges/universities…if the top 5 kids have absolutely NO extracurriculars like you are making it sound than yes you have a better chance than them because EC’s are becoming a big part of admissions. As stated above study hard for ACT or SAT (or both-most people find one test better fitting for them then the other) and keep your grades up, good luck!</p>

<p>yeah there are about 230 kids in my grade </p>

<p>and thank you jkaplan1212 and raelah for answering :)))</p>

<p>Hello there. I don’t mean to steal livelylegend’s thread but i would also like to know how others think i am doing in high school so far.
Current Junior in small public school (known for its academics) in New York State. Class of about 110. Taking PSAT in 2 weeks.<br>
Likely will finish Junior year with ~92 average and overall high school GPA low 90s (90-93)

  • Advanced science all 4 years. Currently in AP Bio. Physics next year.
  • Advanced English since Sophomore year. I excel at writing essays or free writing so i think i would do well with the admission essays.<br>
  • Four years of Spanish with 90+ average.
  • Took AP World history exam Sophomore year and scored a 3. College credit.
  • Mid 80s math grade in average class. Algebra 2 & Trig. I really don’t like math.<br>
  • Ive never been into sports.
  • Student mentoring Freshman year. (Program ended due to finances)
  • Newspaper years 3-4
  • I have had a job since the summer before freshman year and will work till my senior year. Small locally owned restaurant (semi-upscale). Worked my ways up the ranks.
  • Very into urbanity and particularly skyscrapers. I am a skyscraper fanatic and i love studying building design and aesthetics. </p>

<p>So… any feedback would be great. I know its not stunning but i was thinking about applying to a good private college/university in New York City area. Am i way out of my league? Thank you for time and any feedback.</p>

<p>You don’t mean to steal…yet you are.</p>

<p>quick question to add to my other stuff :)</p>

<p>my mom owns a high-end clothing store, and she goes around the country for shows and stuff. i’ve been working there for as long as i can remember and go to the shows with her, do you think this looks good on college resumes too? i know that both my parents expect a lot more out of me than the other girls, mainly because i know more.</p>