Help with Senior Year Schedule

Hi, so basically this is what my current Senior Year Schedule is looking like:
Multivariable Calculus
AP Statistics
AP Econ (Micro/Macro)
AP Physics C:E and M
Honors Writers Craft

Is the schedule too much? It’s not many classes, and the only elective I take is Orchestra, but I’m worried I might not be able to hand all of them. I pretty much have to get an A in all of them in the first semester to maintain my GPA (Freshmen year grades were uh… less than ideal lets say xD). I’ll have 2 Free Periods every day and the courses I’ve taken that are relevant are:
AP Calculus AB (85%)
AP Calculus BC (95%)
AP Physics C:Mechanics (Barely scraping by with an A right now)
Considering my past performance would this schedule be too difficult to try and get all As in?

As a side note I decided not to follow up on my foreign language this year since I wanted an extra free period to handle with my other courses. I’ve read that colleges prefer 4 years of the same foreign language, but I’m not entirely sure if that is necessary
(I’m not really going for IVY leagues just around top 30). I’m not the greatest at Spanish, and its certainly one of my weaker subjects… Do I have to/should I include Spanish?

I would swap out stats for your foreign language. You are unnecessarily handicapping your application without Spanish.

If any of the colleges on your list require/request 4 years of a FL, then you need to know that the majority of applicants will have 4 years of a FL.

You should also know that most T30 colleges have a FL requirement for the degree. The more you take in HS, the less (potentially) you have to take in college.

I also agree with swapping out statistics for Spanish.

Another vote for swapping out Stats for Spanish. :slight_smile:

Okay thank you for all your replies! Stat is in my schedule b/c my teacher recommended it since he said its beneficial for college, but I’ll talk to my counselor to see if I can switch it for Spanish 6.

You know, that’s called “burying the lede.” You should have said that from the beginning. If you’ve completed level 5, regardless of what year, then you have fulfilled the FL recommendations of every single US university. So if you want to take stats, take stats, with the caveat that if your major requires stats, it may be calc-based stats, which AP Stats is not. But the class is fine for a basic introduction.

Is level 5 at your school = AP or is it 5th semester (HS)?

I’ve never taken an AP Foreign Language. At my school it’s basically you take Spanish 1 and 2 (or French) in Middle School, and then you can continue in High School Freshmen Year, starting Spanish 3 (or French) or decide to start a completely new language (Chinese 1, German 1, etc). I took Spanish 3 and continued that to Spanish 5, but I’ve never taken any at the AP level. After Spanish 3, you can take AP Spanish Language 4 and 5, but I never took that, just Honors Spanish 4 and 5.
Sorry about that, I don’t really know whats important and whats not lol

So, Spanish 5 = 5th year of a language… so, you’re done with foreign language, you don’t have to take Spanish 6. Therefore, take AP Stats if you wish. You’ll need to take stats regardless, either for a major that might require it as calculus-based stats or for internships ("statistics"should always be listed on your list of “relevant courses” and employers won’t care what you took in HS).
OR… you might take something else entirely. I’d suggest Culinary Arts, if it’s offered at your school, because it will reap rich benefits very quickly and it’s a skill you’ll be glad you have (but can"t take in college).