I have a question, and I was wondering if anyone could answer this for me. Thanks to all who replied! (btw, I posted this in the parents forum as well)
I<code>m currently taking IB physics. But I transferred into the class in late November, about one month before the final exams. I did this because my current schedule was too easy, but it took me a long time to change my classes. I knew it was really risky to do that a month before finals- I had so much cathing up to do, so I got a C+ for that semester: ( This is my first C ever in HS, so I was really shocked.
Now I have a B+ for the quarter, and I should atleast be getting a B+ , if not an A-for the second semester.
I WOULD address this situation by asking my physics teacher to explain it in his recommendation when applying to colleges. But I will be changing schools next year, and I think I will ask for recommendations from teachers at my new school.
My question is- is there a place on the application to address this myself? Will colleges even believe me if I do this? I don</code>t know if it would be appropriate to have the teachers at my new school address this issue, as they weren` t the ones teaching me at the time. Or should I have my physics teacher write proof of this situation and then have my teachers at the new school address this? What would be the best option?
Sorry this has gotten long. Thanks to all who replied!