Helping first-gen hispanic student...need advice

<p>E has made her college decision after some second visits to some of the schools this past weekend. She has decided to attend Christopher Newport U.!!! Now the icing on the cake? She has received a scholarship from the BBBS Org. and it is enough to cover the “gap” that she didn’t receive in her FA package! They are also sending her money immediately to cover her enrollment deposit. I cannot even believe how this all turned out for her. She so deserves this opportunity to have a college education…I cannot stop smiling (and crying, lol!).</p>

<p>Wonderful! So great to hear that a first gen kid will be able to attend college, and not go into debt doing so. Many kudos to you for helping her through this complicated process, you’re a great friend.</p>

<p>Congratulations!!! She is very lucky to have you. Cheers!</p>

<p>Great ending.</p>