Need Advice...

<p>I'm posting on here instead of the general SAT board because I've been reading these posts long enough to think there is more sound advice here than on some of the other more general boards :-) This is going to be long so I apologize in advance.</p>

<p>My D has finished all 15 (!) of her applications and, I thought until yesterday at least, was pretty pleased with where she sits with scores, stats, etc. She applied to Yale, Harvard, Stanford - mainly because she wanted to see if she could get in, not because she really wants to go there, we haven't even visited though schools. She took the SAT Subject tests earlier this month and got her scores back yesterday and is now freaking out because her scores aren't high enough to assure her admission to those schools (which, I keep telling her, NO ONE is assured admission to those elite schools!). Her SAT score is 2150-one sitting with no prep class or extra study, (CR690,M790,W670) and subject scores are 690USHistory, 680Physics,760MathI, (of course she took the subject tests right in the middle of her maximum stress over applications and essays so did nothing to study for those either). Her ACT composite score was 32 (35Math, don't have the other breakdowns). She wants to retake the SAT test in December (deadline to sign up is 11/1). I am concerned that she will not do as well the next time because she is so stressed out about everything right now. Since all scores go to those elite schools, I think worse scores won't help her case at all. I am not trying to "crush her dreams," as she states, but I want her to be realistic.</p>

<p>She has a 3.81 UW GPA/4.33 W GPA, is in the top 2% of her huge class (over 1300 students!), NM Commended, National Hispanic Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction and will have 11 AP classes by the time she graduates. She is in all AP classes this year. She has a ton of ECs (both at school and through church) with a huge number of volunteer hours specifically related to working with special needs kids. She also has a job being the after-school care provider for a Down Syndrome child. I think her LORs should be very good to excellent.</p>

<p>We are stuck in that middle ground of not being poor enough to qualify for much FA at all but not rich enough to pay alot either. She has applied to several other excellent schools in California (where she deeply desires to go - USC is her #1 choice) but, without merit scholarships, those aren't going to be within our financial reach. She is going to take a tour at Arizona State and Barrett Honors College next month which I thought she was excited about but now appears she isn't. We live in Texas and she has applied to UT Austin and Baylor (and is attending Invitation to Excellence next month as well) but those are her choices of last resort! Right now she thinks she wants to attend medical or graduate school and I think it is important that she complete undergraduate without debt if at all possible. </p>

<p>How do I get my daughter to be proud of her accomplishments and be thankful for all the choices of great schools she does have instead of focusing on the possibility of not being admitted to a few elite schools or not being able to afford full sticker price colleges?? Anybody else have a Type A high-achieving student who is about make the whole household crazy over all this college application/admissions stress??? And, who the heck said senior year is supposed to be fun???? </p>

<p>(I do feel somewhat better just by getting this off my chest - thanks for reading!)</p>


<p>First, congratulations to your daughter on her strong scores and all her accomplishments! She should be very proud of all she has done, but yes, type A personalities during senior year can be no fun. My son isn’t really type A (kind of a mix) and only applied to 10 schools, but it was stressful for us that first semester, no doubt.</p>

<p>Yes, you are right to caution her that <em>no one</em> is assured admissions to those schools- well, perhaps USAMO winners, INTEL winners, certain people who have national/international recognition or a very special skill that only a few people around the country have, will likely be admitted. The rest of the high achieving kids like your daughter will go in that next level of applicants.</p>

<p>Your daughter is a competitive applicant and her scores and ECs are strong. She will get into a good school somewhere. The key is that she feel ok about <em>every</em> school on her list. If she can’t feel good about Baylor, there’s no reason for her to go to IE, truly.</p>

<p>My son applied to, and was accepted into, ten schools. Two were ivies, three were tech schools, and three were safeties (including Baylor and UTD). I made sure he understood he might not get into any school being that he was homeschooled. He had top scores (2300+ SAT, 800s on several SAT II), top awards (national math and physics competitions, NMF, national ranking in chess, etc), and great ECs. <em>But</em> I truly knew that admissions can be so mysterious. I didn’t assume for one minute that he would get into any college.</p>

<p>You are doing a great job of trying to guard your daughter’s heart. She’s a great kid regardless of where she goes to school. I would just encourage you to make sure the schools on her list are ones where she would be happy to attend.</p>

<p>I can’t help you with the financial part since we are lower middle class and my son did receive a huge amount of need-based aid. But, she should be able to get some great merit aid at Baylor and her other safeties. </p>

<p>If she’s applying to these elite schools and you can’t afford it, what will that look like if she’s accepted? I would encourage you to have a plan and consult with a financial aid counselor. And if you have any special expenses, you can always file an appeal if you don’t think the f. aid package is fair.</p>

<p>Hang in there!</p>

<p>Thanks for your response. I have run the net price calculators for some of those elite schools (Yale and Harvard, where we would qualify for some grant aid based on their generous FA policies) and it would be roughly the same cost for us as Baylor with her getting just their automatic merit scholarship. She is going to the IE because the possibility of a full tuition scholarship exists. If she doesn’t receive that scholarship (and I realize that only a few attendees actually get the full tuition scholarship) then we can all agree to close the door on Baylor. She will get some decent automatic merit scholarships to some less well-known colleges she has applied to in California (Azusa Pacific being one to which she has already been accepted) which put them in our affordability range. She will have plenty of great choices but it might just not be her #1 choice (USC) or an ivy!</p>

<p>Terrific! You are going into this with eyes wide open as far as finances go.</p>

<p>My son was also invited to IE but in the end, he knew it wasn’t the right school for him, so he didn’t go and we closed the door on Baylor. His safety was UTD and the McDermott Scholars program, which he definitely considered very seriously.</p>

<p>Wonderful that your DD has already been accepted to a school that you can afford!! I think that should take some of the pressure off. Congratulations to her! And APU is a really good college. We know a number of students there.</p>

<p>I remember when my son was accepted to his three safeties and then Princeton SCEA. It was such a relief knowing that he would be going somewhere to college! :-)</p>

<p>Hi! I am also applying to Baylor for Fall 2013. I have a question for you guys- when did you get your invitations for the Invitation to Excellence? I’m a National Merit Semifinalist, and Baylor is my top choice by far so I’m worried that I didn’t get an invitation. </p>


<p>The invitation was postmarked 9/28 and the registration opened 10/16 at 6 pm. I think I read somewhere on here that they hold another IE in January. You should call Baylor to make sure your name gets added to the list for the invitation to that one. Thanks to CC I knew that she’d have to be online at 6 pm sharp on 10/16 to get a spot - when we checked back at 8ish pm, the registration was already closed due to being full.</p>