helppp need advice!

<p>my first two SAT scores i didnt really study and i got about 1200 both each time... now im taking my third jan. 28 and decided to study my ass off.. however i wanted to know if colleges would reject me before they get a chance to see my the results from my jan 28 test (ima senior)</p>

<p>Check their websites. They tell you the latest possible SAT testing date they accept. Assume they'll receive the score on time.</p>

<p>Is that 1200 old or new?</p>

<p>if your 1200 is old, and your applying to state schools/ mid tier privates, you dont need to retake</p>

<p>its old. but i dont want them to reject me beacause of that when i can doo wayyy better</p>

<p>what schools?</p>

<p>nyu gallatin
boston u
manhatten c</p>

<p>the SAT is a little low for NYU, but for the others its fine</p>