<p>So I've been taking and practicing with real collegeboard sat tests. And I found out that after I eliminate 3 answers, I always pick the wrong answer out of the last 2.</p>
<p>Help? I tried to find information to back up my answer, but both seems so legit!</p>
<p>do you have any examples?</p>
<p>Become one with the passage. At least, that’s what I’ve heard. CR is my weak point; I just try and stay focused, and when it comes down to 2 choices, I zone in and see if there is anything at all that can make it wrong.</p>
<p>well any example really. I elimate 3 answers and it comes down to the last two and I always pick the WRONG ONE</p>
<p>If you always pick the wrong one, it would be better to leave it blank ^_^</p>
<p>But seriously, you need to become absorbed by the passage. When you’re reading it, note the author’s overall attitude and the main ideas. And when you choose an answer, underline the part of the passage where the answer is located. If you can’t find the answer in the passage, choose the other answer.</p>
<p>Basically, all of the answers are right there in the passage, waiting for you to find them. There are no “unsure” or “assumed” answers. Just keep that mentality, it really helps!</p>
<p>okay thanks! I’ll try it out today!</p>
<p>Ok , Dorkyelmo , dont worry … It happens for most of the SAT takers … Well mostly this would become alright as you practise more . But not the careless practising but you should learn from your mistakes ie each time you get it wrong ,find out why you went wrong … To make your task easy , i will give you a few tips : 1 ) Always make sure that ,whatever stated in the answer is present in the passage and eliminate the answer that contains anything that is not stated . 2) Never choose any of the extreme choices like ‘outrageously flagrant’ etc 3) Also note that all answers ,excluding the ones like main idea , should lie in the region between two lines before and after the given references … Now practise using these and let us know , how u r doing
… All the best …</p>
<p>Well it’s simple, eliminate 3 answers, look at the remaining 2 answers, choose the one that you think is less right bahahahahaha</p>