<p>High school seniors don't always realize that their application "EC" lists can include hobbies or interests that aren't formally organized extracurricular activities. In fact, college admission officials often are more intrigued by what candidates do in their unstructured time than they are by the predictable pursuits ...e.g., Mock Trial, Model U.N., Spanish Club, debate society, yearbook, jazz band ...</p>
<p>Over the years, I've advised students who assumed that their private passions weren't appropriate application, fodder. These included:</p>
<p>**-building Victorian doll houses after carefully researching furnishings, decor, and scale</p>
<p>-reading every book written by Agatha Christie</p>
<p>-corresponding regularly with pen-pals from 17 countries (and NOT via Facebook!)</p>
<p>-babysitting for free for a neighbor undergoing chemotherapy**</p>
<p>Do YOU have undertakings that you thought weren't application-worthy but, in fact, really are?</p>
<p>playstation 3, as someone mentioned I played alot of CoD back in the day…sometimes I shoot hoops at the gym. I also enjoy eating Chipotle on a regular basis. All of these activities I thought were worthless, but shall prove key in my being accepted into various colleges soon enough.</p>
<p>I stalk Kristen Stewart.</p>
<p>LOL. I better not show this to my 13-year-old son. He just got the ol’ “When school starts, your weekday XBox hours are history” speech from me this morning.</p>
<p>i rode my bike around 1000 miles over the summer with my friends… would this be something decent for like top notch colleges?</p>
<p>This alone won’t get you into “top notch colleges”
But it’s obviously something you’re excited about (healthy, too) and may help you set yourself apart from the crowd. If there’s any specific reason you rode (e.g., charity fundraiser) or any theme to your rides (e.g., visited National Parks), then include this, too.</p>
<p>DS follows money on “where’s george.com” He knows all about different bills and when they were modified for security reasons and so on.</p>
<p>That is a totally cool “activity” that most seniors wouldn’t think to report to colleges … could be fodder for an essay as well as for an EC list.</p>
<p>hey, I HAVE read all of Agatha Christie’s books! also, all of the Spanish-version Harry Potter books. I also design dresses and make miniature versions on a doll-sized dress form I have</p>
<p>I’ve heard every Billy Joel record. That ought to count.
I’m teaching myself Hebrew (albeit slowly/painfully)
I had a philosophy blog (that’s dying, kind of)</p>
<p>I’ve read (almost) every book by Charles Dickens? If I read every book, would that really be worthy of putting on an application? Do you just put it like this:</p>
Academic Decathlon
etc, etc.
Reading every novel by Charles Dickens</p>
<p>Haha it just seems so weird… :)</p>
<p>I put taking care of my niece down : )
I may also put down collecting national geographics lol</p>
<p>Granted, it looks a bit odd but that will help it stand out among the more familiar fare (Academic Decathlon et al). Or you could try something a bit “cuter,” if you can do it concisely in the small space allotted, such as …</p>
<p>Chas Dickens Fan Club: founder, president, only member (have read every Dickens novel!)</p>
<p>Would any of these hobbies I have be application fodder?:</p>
<p>-Casual Magic the Gathering player (trading card game)
-Chatting on AIM (lol)
-Reading (I read quite a bit, but its rather spread out)
-Recreational Basketball
and of course, the secret to my success:
<p>I would never have thought to put any of these on my application, except perhaps reading. I realize none of these are that unique, but they’re the things I like to do. Any advice Sally?</p>
<p>would breeding fish and selling them be something to put? lol sounds weird, but i did make some money</p>
<p>Thanks so much! I would have never thought to do that :)</p>
<p>i love the breeding fish one!and would out of school EC’s count such as whitewater kayaking national team etc or only in school sports???</p>
<p>Now we know why China is surging ahead …</p>
<p>@ Sally… Do you have any suggestions on how I could list Baking in a creative way? I enjoy cooking unique cultural dishes (last Christmas I made over 200 Mexican wedding cakes as presents for friends and teachers) as well a creating my own recipes.</p>
<p>P.S. Thanks :)</p>