Hidden Gems: Lesser-known Prep Schools

Exciting! Our daughter is thinking of doing a XC camp at KUA this summer. Did your student also apply to Proctor or Holderness?


We were kind of late to the whole idea of boarding school - it really took off when coaches approached S26 to see if he would be interested in playing at several schools and then we took a look at a few others. Holderness is in a perfect area but was a little smaller than we wanted and Proctor would have been a great choice but we just really got to it to late. So many things to consider and our daughter was applying to college - if I had to do it again Proctor and probably two or three others would be on the list (Loomis, Avon)


Same. I would have a much bigger list even just 6 weeks out of Jan 15.
Iā€™m so stressed and feel like I totally failed at this.

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There is no failure. Only opportunities to learn. Hang in there.


Not sure your athleteā€™s level of interest in his sports but we know kids at many schools including Loomis who have worked their way up to competitive varsity sports. But every boy we know at Avon and Salisbury on a varsity team of their well known sports was recruited. But also most boys we know at these schools came in a reclassed juniors or as a senior or PG as they needed to know they could immediately make an impact for college recruiting. We do know of boys who were accepted at these schools in the spring and summer before they went because single sex schools attract a more limited pool and coaches (esp. hockey if thatā€™s your sonā€™s sport lose guys to juniors, etc.). So if youā€™re still interested after 3/10 it doesnā€™t hurt for your son or you to reach out to coaches and admissions.


Thank you for this. In fact, the coach at Loomis told him very much the same. So we will wait for Friday, hope for good news from his top choice, and if not, will reach out to Loomis.


To clarify I donā€™t know of anyone at Loomis specifically accepted after 3/10ā€“that was more of an Avon and Salisbury thing because theyā€™re single sex, which is a no go for some. Lesser known schools often may have a spot after 3/10, especially for the right athlete, artist, etc. Best of luckā€”hope itā€™s the first choice and youā€™re done!


Thanks - Loomis coach did mention that our son should wait and see over the summer as spaces sometimes occur. This was after the application deadline when our son thought he might have wanted to apply and reached out to the coach - time will tell thanks!


DS was accepted to Loomis and 5 others as a late applicant two admissions cycles ago. To remind those of his situation, he was WL at all 5 GLADCHEMS schools he applied to during the regular admissions cycle and we had no options for him for high school other than a local private. He did end up getting off of two of those WL over the summer but by that time he had already fell in love with Mercersburg and weā€™ve never looked back.

A few things that helped us during this round 2 applications cycle that I realize make his situation unique and significantly increased his chancesā€¦

  • incredible support from our k-8 private who were just as crushed by his original results as we were. They really went to bat for him.
  • full pay
  • bright kid, great interviewer, excellent test taker
  • multiple sports
  • a mom who wouldnā€™t quit (even after I received ā€œsorry weā€™re fullā€ emails or phone conversations from admissions people I paid application fees and sent his package in anyway- we felt strongly that he was such a great applicant that he would appeal to them and we were right. He got into every school to which he applied the second round.

It was a very stressful time but once those second round acceptances started coming, the ā€œcast a wide netā€ mantra that is said on CC time and time again became as clear as day. All of this stress and worry could have been avoided if we had applied to more schools the first time around. And of course the WLs opening up for DS made us feel extra good. It was very satisfying to be the ones to turn them down.


This is so so helpful. I feel so strongly that my son needs to go away. I have started a back up plan in my head for if the news tomorrow is not good. I wish I would have cast a wider net but I did the best I could from when we first started looking 10/28/22 until application deadlines as a single full time working mom of 4 kids with very limited resources.


Iā€™m hoping for amazing results for you tomorrow. In fairness, my son applied at the height of Covid where schools were apparently accepting fewer kids out of fear of dorm overcrowding. It was a weird time and just based on all of the positive tidbits Iā€™m seeing on other threads, Iā€™m optimistic that everyone on CC will have multiple acceptances and options!

We all learn things after going through the process for the first time and at the end of the day, we love our kids and want to do the best we can for them, at the same time managing what life throws at us. None of this is easy. College applications will feel like a breeze!


We are talking about boarding school, right? :rofl:

(JK. Best of luck to your son tomorrow, @peacefulset.)


Well I do. He has a twin with Autism he has carried in many ways since birth. We have been through significant domestic violence many moves and challenges and he has had to mature so quickly and care for the house and his siblings.
He needs a chance to be focused on his own goals and dreams and be free to do so.
Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m explaining that well. But hope you understand a bit.
He has been through so much. He is amazing resilient kind wise insightful.
I canā€™t provide opportunities that he deserves.


We just got an email that S26 got accepted to Portsmouth Abbey in Narragansett Rhode Island. While we have been impressed by everything weā€™ve seen about it does anyone have any insight into the school? Itā€™s not always one that is brought up here a lot.


My daughterā€™s best friend goes thereā€¦she LOVES it!

Iā€™d be happy to put you in touch!

So good to hear that thank you!!! Just signed up for the ā€œrevisitā€ day there - looking forward to it although it is the same weekend as my daughterā€™s accepted student days for Nursing at URI and Fairfield - there is going to be a lot of driving going on that weekend up and down Rt 95! I will pm you thanks!


Congratulations! We had one child who looked mainly because of a coach. He liked the school, the players he met, coaches of the sports he plays, etc. Ultimately he didnā€™t feel comfortable with attending mass weekly because weā€™re not Catholic and heā€™s not super religious in general. Otherwise it would have been on his final list. And I wouldnā€™t worry if people talk about a school or not. Itā€™s truly about finding the best fit for your child! P.S. certain schools now that are somewhat popular werenā€™t even 20-30 years. :grinning:

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Calling @london203 whose daughter graduated from the Abbey a few cycles ago. She was the PA expert here for a while but hasnā€™t been around in a while. Hoping this tag resurrects her for you.

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Yes - thanks - while we are Catholic we are not practicing but his Grandmother will be happy to hear of the weekly masses if he ends up going lol! I guess when I say ā€œtalkā€ it is more looking for a bit of chatter regarding reasons kids like, dislike or even are just ok with the school. Every kid is different but it is great to hear their opinions, and yours as well, thanks!


Oh boy thanks for reaching out to @london203 - PA was a last minute choice, although most of the schools D26 applied to were that way because it kind of all came together in the early fall to say, ā€œhey letā€™s try thisā€! I have been amazed at all the schools I have learned about on these threads, many I had little or no familiarity with, it is so interesting. What great choices there are out there!