High Acceptance Rate

<p>I noticed that 91% of the applicants were accepted to Loyola, but isn't Loyola a bit tougher to get into? Last year the acceptance rate was around the 50's. I just find it odd that the admissions office accepted a lot more students this year.</p>

<p>I thought I saw something wrong! I could have sworn it was 58% not long ago. I have never seen an acceptance rate so high! Especially for such a nice college! </p>

<p>Hi-I know this thread is fairly old, but wanted to respond in case anyone was looking at this school. The high acceptance rate is a bit misleading. My understanding is that Loyola tends to be a “safety” application for students that are also applying to schools like Northwestern, Notre Dame…etc. So, while they accept a great deal of students, the academic level of students they are accepting tends to be fairly high. </p>