High Demand/Selective/Capped/Impacted/Popular UC Majors

How do I find out which major are the high demanded one for each UC school?

Regarding your question on High Demand majors, each UC website has information on the most applied/popular/capped or High demand majors.

Here are the High Demand Majors in the College of Letters and Sciences for UC Berkeley along with majors in Engineering.
Art (Practice of)
Public Health
Media Studies
CS (L&S)
Data Science
Operations Research & Management Science
Global Studies
Political Economy
Social Welfare

UCSD capped majors:

Majors with capped status – for all students:

In General, Computer Science/Engineering, Psychology, Biological Sciences, Economics/Business Econ, Business Admin (campuses with a Business school).

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Thank you very much! Where do you find these stats so I can find them for other UC schools?

You can do a google search but these are a list of the most impacted/selective/capped and popular majors at the UC’s.

Here is a list of the most competitive and impacted majors at UCLA (admit rate):

UCLA Capped Majors|UCLA Impacted Majors
|Film & Television
|Computer Science
|Computer Engineering
All Engineering majors.
Psychology and Economics can be competitive due to popularity.

UCD: Popular (% of undergrads enrolled) or Selective

  1. Psychology — 8 percent
  2. Biological sciences — 7 percent
    (Biological Sciences Majors Prepared for Variety of Careers).
  3. Neurobiology, physiology and behavior — 6 percent
  1. Managerial economics — 5 percent
  1. Economics — 5 percent
  1. Animal science — 5 percent
  1. Biochemistry and molecular biology — 4 percent
  2. Computer science — 3 percent
  3. Communication — 3 percent
  1. Political Science — 3 percent
  2. Most majors in the College of Engineering


Chemistry Chemical Engineering
Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering
Communications History
Economics Molecular, Cellular, Develop. Biology
Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology Political Science
English Psychology
Environmental Studies Sociology
Global Studies
Along with majors in the College of Creative Studies


  • Paul Merage School of Business:
    • Business Administration, B.A.
    • Business Information Management, B.S.:
  • Claire Trever School of the Arts:
    • Dance
    • Music
  • Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing:
    • Nursing Science, B.S.
  • The Henry Samueli School of Engineering:
    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Chemical and BioMolecular Engineering
    • Civil and Environmental Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    • Materials Science and Engineering
    • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science:
    • Computer Science
    • Informatics: B.S in Informatics, Game Design, Software Engineering
    • Data Science


  • Computer Science B.A.
  • Computer Science B.S.

All majors in Engineering with the exception of Robotics
All majors in Biological Sciences

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics for Teachers of Secondary School
  • Statistics
  • Chemistry
  • Earth Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Physics

All majors in Engineering specifically Computer Science and Engineering

  • Applied Mathematical Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Earth Systems Science
  • Physics
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Is Econ capped, impacted, selective major at UCLA? What is pre-econ. Does it mean not admitted to the major? Thanks.

For UCLA, you are placed into a Pre-major and need to complete required Pre-Requisite courses to declare the major. Economics and Business Economics are popular majors at UCLA.


CURRENT STUDENTS! To declare the Pre-Major in Economics, the Pre-Major in Business Economics, or the Economics major, please complete the Change of Major Request Form and submit the form to the Economics Undergraduate Counseling Office online via the MyUCLA Message Center. The subject title of the message should be: Change of Major Request Form.

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