I have an unweighted gpa of 3.8. Throughout High School I took AP and Dual Credit classes and I am in the first quarter of my class. However, I managed to score a 17 composite on my ACT. Should I consider a community college as my only option?
There are test optional colleges that no longer require standardized test scores. A quick google search on test optional schools will give you a list.
There are a number of schools with lower average ACT scores- search them out on college simply (I found a list with a google search of colleges for 17 ACT).
There are a number of test optional schools- search them out on fairtest.
Why do you think you scored what you did? Did you finish everything, how much toward the end was guessing due to time? Did you do any test prep? Do you think you need accommodations of any sort?
The Fairtest.org website is a pretty good resource. Someone on this board turned me onto it the other week. Worth checking out to see the schools on that list.
@milgymfam I believe my score was lower because I was sick during the testing time. However I also have severe ADHD and found it nearly impossible to focus.
I would utilize the online resources on the ACT site to study this summer and take it over again in September.
@pinkcrocs then a restest should be in your future and you should talk to your parents about your focus problems. Is your ADHD medicated? Treated with therapy? Documented? You may be able to get extra time or a quiet room for testing. My D19 has ADHD and though we didn’t pursue accommodations, her scores jumped pretty significantly once she started her medication.
Do you have accommodations (extra testing time, etc.) for your regular school classes? If so, have you applied for accommodations with ACT.org or CollegeBoard?
If you were running out of time on the ACT sections, you might try the SAT. And do look at test optional schools—fairtest is a good place to start, but you have to verify on each school’s website.
@Mwfan1921 I don’t have accommodations in my regular school classes. I’m going to talk with my parents about apply for accommodations for the ACT. I am worried that they will deny me based on the fact that I don’t have accommodations in school.
Has your ADHD been diagnosed by a physician?
You will likely need to get school accommodations first. https://www.act.org/content/dam/act/unsecured/documents/Accommodations.pdf
You and your parents should speak with your school’s testing coordinator ASAP as getting accommodations takes time–assuming you are a rising senior, this is all a long shot.
@Mwfan1921 I am diagnosed with ADHD. most of my issue with the ACT was my inability to focus and comprehend all of the problems in the short time frames. Would the SAT be a better fit?
Maybe, it does have fewer questions per minute. Did you take the PSAT? What did you score on that?
Regarding the ACT, did you prepare/study beforehand? Did you take full-length, timed practice tests?
@Mwfan1921 My PSAT score was a 1060 my sophomore year.
For my ACT I did take a full practice test and my composite was a 25 on my practice.
Though SAT has 80 more points it looks like your PSAT score is more like a 21-22 on the ACT.
If this was timed, I would stick with the ACT. Continue to study, fill in knowledge gaps and take at least one more timed practice test. Many tutoring companies conduct timed practice tests in school classroom settings for a reasonable price.
Hi! I just wanted to update this forum to include my July ACT scores. I received a 29 Composite and i’ve determined that my first score was the result of perhaps some sleep deprivation.
Congratulations, Great job!