High School Diplomats 2023 - HSD 2023

Hi all! Just wanted to see if anyone has heard about the high school diplomats program for summer 2023 yet?


hii, I got an email that said I was moving onto the interview process on the 27th of Feb. they’ve already scheduled most of the interviews by now I believe !

My D is scheduled for her zoom interview next week, but was curious about how many get interviewed and chances for next step. Last year, she didn’t make it past her initial interview phase.

My S got an interview letter, but no scheduling email yet.

I recently scheduled my interview! If you don’t mind sharing, was the interview last year more casual or formal?

The initial interview was a casual zoom interview last year. Not sure what the interview process is after the zoom. Does anyone know?

hey ! they just sent out the results; does anyone have any experience with being an alternate?