<p>I’ve never had a set curfew, but there has always been an unwritten rule to be home by a “reasonable” time. I’ve had a decent amount of freedom in the last few months, except I haven’t been able to exercise it as much because of school + college apps + scholarship apps. And as I got through most of that, I hit another dead end when my parents saw my bad grade in math. Now I’m on lock down, and have to show that I’m going to get a better grade if I want my freedom back… God damn it.</p>
<p>^I’m in the same boat as to the ‘reasonable’ time deal for being home. My mom and I have different definitions of reasonable sometimes though, haha.</p>
<p>I’m given a fair amount of freedom, the only issue is when I’m driving super late at night, because people in my area suck at driving and all the possible drunk people driving kinda scare my mom.</p>
<p>I have way too much freedom. Both my parents work full-time, and commute to work, so they’ll leave before I go to school and get back at 8 in the evening.</p>
<p>I could sneak my friends over and have a small party during the week, and my parents wouldn’t notice. IT’S AWESOME :D</p>
<p>Unfortunately, it also means that no one is pushing me to do my homework, so I need a lot of self-restraint…</p>
<p>My parents were the absolute insane Asian parents for a long time and I used to never go out at all. But they’ve been really cool about everything now that I’m a senior. Mostly because I have my own car and I tell them I’m at “science team” all the time… =) Also, they go to sleep at like 11, so if I get back at 2-3 AM, I’ll just say I got back at 1ish to make it more reasonable.</p>
<p>…if youre on cc youre boundto have some level of self restriant.
and second on the nigerian parents… i was grounded last night by mine for not putting water on the stove.
my curfew on non grounded days is six oclock… i have practice past that time
its really rediculous</p>