<p>Just wondering from everyone, do you like high school? I mean, I'm sure most of us aren't too thrilled by the prospect of homework or tests, but do you think you are going to miss high school when you leave? And what do you think that you'll miss the most? Friends, clubs, sports, living without responsibilities, etc.?</p>
<p>I happen to be an EXTREMELY nostalgic person, so I think about these things more often than I'd like to mention, haha.</p>
<p>Absolutely. Where else can I hang out with like-minded people for 7 hours a day?</p>
<p>It is only in high school that one is practically worry-free. We are shuttled to school by our parents (unless we can drive ourselves). We subsequently hang out with like-minded teenagers for 7-8 hours a day, if not longer. Sure, we have tests, and homework, but those are peanuts compared to the fun of getting to be around so many interesting people. Compared to the rest of life, high school is great. We don’t have to worry about putting food on the table; we only have to worry about grades. Grades are nothing. We study, we get results. Versus the real world, in which we might be qualified, but there might not even be any jobs available (just ask the unemployed lawyers).</p>
<p>I love high school I’m defiantly going to miss it. Friday night lights, the dances, not having to worry about anything except school work and who’s dating who lol</p>
<p>I won’t miss it, at least not based off of freshman and sophomore year, and I doubt the hell of junior year will make things better. It’s not that I don’t have friends or anything, but I’m not particularly close with any of them, and I’m just tired of this same city, school, and group of people I’ve seen around for years and years. I’m really looking forward to moving away and meeting new people.</p>
<p>Honestly, I rarely enjoy my summers, because I don’t have any motivation. School is when I have drive and can actually focus on getting something done. I feel like high school has really allowed me to improve as a person (not in the sense that I was a bad person before , but more so that I see myself more confident and proud). And on the subject of the college game, so to speak, I feel like high school has allowed me to take stock of what’s going on in life and manipulate it to my advantage–in that, I feel totally prepared for the flood of applications.</p>
<p>Honestly, I don’t think I’ll miss high school. I like the idea of progressing in life, so I’m eager to go to college and take another huge step in life</p>
<p>I think it’s hard to give a straight yes or no answer to this question. There are certain aspects I’ll certainly not be missing. Getting treated like a small child, getting talked down to by the adults, SATs/ACTs, hs drama, etc. </p>
<p>But then there are the parts that are really priceless. Friends, family, close/good teachers, the ECs/teams, the community,etc. </p>
<p>In the end, there are both parts I’ll miss and parts I’ll be glad to be free of. But it’s life. Sure, there’s a lot that we learned from high school, but there’s a lot more that we have to learn from other experiences. Be glad you experienced high school, but don’t live in the past. There’s so much more out there and nows the chance to explore it all.</p>
<p>I don’t particularly enjoy high school, but I like it to an extent. I do enjoy being with friends, since it helps me get through the day. I know that I’m probably going to be one of those pathetic people who cry on the last day of school/at graduation. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Apart from only getting 4-5 hours of sleep every night, I actually like high school. I will be a junior next year (aka. dedicate life to school). It will be hard to keep a relationship, spend time with friends, and focus on academics all together.</p>
<p>Overall, I enjoy high school, but the mentality of learning to the test that I get in some of my classes bothers me. The classes I really enjoy are the ones that are ones like APUSH, where I went in not expecting to enjoy it and came out with an appreciation of US history. </p>
<p>I think the good times I’ve had in classes like APUSH make up for the tedious classes though, and of course spending time with friends and being able to just enjoy life without any huge responsibility has made high school a good experience so far.</p>
<p>I’ll miss 5-10 people. At this point, I don’t think I’ll miss much else about my high school.</p>
<p>No, I can’t stand it.</p>
<p>I’ll be so excited to leave, I’ll throw a party!~ I don’t like getting super close to people in high school because most likely, we’ll never see each other again. They say the best people you’ll meet will be in college because you’re around people who share the same interests as you and they’ll be more mature. Now that I’m thinking about this, I’m probably going to miss one or two teachers because they’ve been so good to me.</p>
<p>I’ll kind of miss it. I’ve managed to make many many memories in a handful of my AP classes (at my school the AP kids hang around each other for a long time and end up sharing intellectual yet playful conversations in the classroom so we all enjoy each other). Aha. I’ll miss the memories more than anything, I’ll miss the people I learned so much from and had great times with.</p>
<p>Other than that I’m ready for college. One more year!</p>
<p>I don’t like high school. unlike Qube, I don’t meet many like-minded people. I’ll probably miss it a bit though, but not much.</p>
<p>I’ll definitely miss a few of my friends. But I feel that you’ll make new friends once you get to college.</p>
<p>Maybe. </p>
<p>Probably not though. I like being independent, and traditional public high school is just annoying to me now. I’m ready to do more interesting things with my life.</p>
<p>I won’t miss it too much but I will definitely miss my friends, because what usually happens is that we lose contact with these friends when we go off to college. And most likely you will never run into these people again down the road, but there is a chance you could. </p>
<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>
<p>I have always enjoyed being at school (well, except for a few years in elementary school), and I always disliked staying home (faking sick or something, my moms super lenient about that sort of stuff). Probably because my mom works from home, and if I stay home she tells me to (or I feel obligated) to clean or do dishes or whatever. I also have never really invited friends over to my house (I get embarrassed because my house is messy and my siblings are weird) and so the only time I mostly see people is at school. The satisfaction of doing well in school is also something I really enjoy. When I get out into the world, straight A’s isnt going to matter, and neither is how smart I am. People are going to befriend me and treat me depending on my personality, and my job is going to pay me depending on my experience (which will be zero right after highschool or college) and not how well I do the job… 
I know I’ll miss school when its done and over with (especially highschool, because where I might be the excellent student, whose ranked top in the class–once I go to college, I’ll be sitting in a room with everyone being either just as good as me, or much better) but I also think I’ll really like life in general (having my own place, and following my own schedule).</p>
<p>I actually look forward to a more fulfilling existence than worrying about the next party or hook up. So if that means paying bills and putting food on the table, then I’m looking forward to it.</p>
<p>High school is a popularity contest that sucks you in and changes you completely. I hate that about it. </p>
<p>I won’t miss being hopelessly in love with the same girl for all 4 years and being too cowardly and self-conscious to tell her how I feel.</p>
<p>I just need to get out.</p>
<p>One of the regrets I have is not going to Lowell high school or a really competitive high school. </p>
<p>I feel like my high school’s too easy >_> My high school has a spectrum. There’s the boppers and party animals that don’t care about school, or the nerds who only care about school but never explore…</p>
<p>I’m in the middle? I’m bored out of my mind xD</p>