<p>Good Evening. As a fellow high school student, I have found it rather entertaining to browse these forums and read the intellegent, yet often misleading opinions that you all share with one another.
However, I have recently witnessed an overwhelming increase in vulgarity, sexual references/innuendos, bullying, and distribution/exchange of personal and confidential information on these forums that we stand upon.
I do not intend to ruin your fun, but come on brothers and sisters, we're almost adults. Let's act it.</p>
<p>Hear hear.</p>
<p>I’m…incredibly sorry to hear that…</p>
<p>What about “vulgarity” and “sexual references/innuendos” and the “distribution/exchange of personal and confidential information” do you find indicative of immaturity? All of these things seem perfectly reasonable for fully grown men and women to discuss, much less the group of “almost adults” that you imagine yourself to be a part of.</p>
<p>haha those topics you object to are definitely quite adult</p>
<p>“overwhelming increase in vulgarity, sexual references/innuendos, bullying”
<p>I think it’s childish to view sexual references as taboo</p>
<p>^ I second that. </p>
<p>To the OP:
First, I’m not your brother.
Second, the “overwhelming increase in vulgarity, sexual references/innuendos, bullying, and distribution/exchange of personal and confidential information” was mostly due to a ■■■■■■■■ attack a few days ago. I’ve been on this site for several years, and it hasn’t really changed.
Third, Ivies are not hot.</p>
<p>does the thread title remind anyone else of the movie Step Up? Hey OP, can you break it down?</p>
<p>I’m saying this way in the kindest way possible, but it’s apparent you have no friends.</p>
<p>haha, you said sexual</p>
<p>She may even be trollin.</p>
<p>That’s what I initially thought.</p>
<p>^True true. Why would this be your first post?</p>
<p>Defn. ■■■■■ on the last 5 days</p>
<p>hahahahahahha ■■■■ ■■■■■</p>
<p>Okay, HotIvy, I can sympathize with your being frustrated, but the epidemic is not something that happens often. The ■■■■■ got out of the dungeon this weekend. </p>
<p>By the way… your name isn’t a take-off on the infamous HotIvyLeagueWannaBeChick, is it? Are you her reincarnation? O_O</p>
<p>I ■■■■■■■ your bed last night.</p>
<p>guys are u seriously gonna bully her like that? srsly…</p>
<p>Some people have no sense of humor. It’s quite saddening. :P</p>
<p>Garrett, I ■■■■■■■ your mom last night.</p>