High Stats Student Looking for Merit in the North East

I did and they will be very expensive even with acceptance. We are not expect daughter to get in any of those 3 high reach schools (she got deferred with Case :frowning: ) but hoping for miracle.

If she is accepted to GT or JHU ā€¦will you allow her to attend? If not, I would have that discussion now.

In the meantime she has some wonderful options that seem to be affordable for your family. In my Dā€™s case she did not pursue BS/MD because she wanted to keep her options open in the event she wanted a different path within health care or the sciences.


Itā€™s still have to come down to cost. Currently we are thinking 30K is max and UMD and other state schools should be ok for her premed track.

Congrats and good luck to your daughter!

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Thanks and happy Holidays to you and your family.

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My daughter has applied to 4 of those schools and has been offered the same merit scholarships. Dd19 applied to some too, with almost identical stats as her sister, and we learned which ones not to bother with (she got denied at JHU) due to finances. I think my daughterā€™s best option financially is in state Rutgers.

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For us, most likely UMD will be affordable.

UMD is a great school!


S21 is in a similar situation, with U of SC (Honors), UCF(Honors) and NJIT comin in lowest of his acceptances so far. The U of SC should be a little lower with her stats according to the website.
I have a spreadsheet as well. Has she seen all of the schools? That is the biggest issue for us. Many kids choose their school by fit or feeling when they visit. We are considering doing some drive throughs, however, Iā€™m not sure they will feel the love that way.

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We havenā€™t seen any schools except for UMD and Pitt was like a drive through 4 years ago.
We probably will try to visit potential schools late March or early April. Hopefully, majority of people got vaccinated and almost back to normal.

Happy Holidays to you and your family !!!

To You as well! I was up super early and trying to keep quiet before every woke up!

Praying you are correct about things starting to return to normal by then.

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If you donā€™t mind, can you share your kid stats and the amount of merits from accepting schools?

Iā€™m guessing most public universities in the NE and mid Atlantic areas give about 20k for high stat kids and preserve full tuition to special kids. From that reasoning, most kids will likely go to state schools, unless parents are willing to pay more.


My son received full tuition to Pitt (Diversity) also full tuition to Fordham (National hispanic merit). He received 19,000 Trustees from UDel and 10,000 from Temple. Drexel gave him a bunch of money but itā€™s still too expensive.
He has a 1520 SAT, 103.7 GPA 10 APā€™s and some honors classes. We are now just waiting for his reaches. We have not visited Fordham or Pitt because of covid but plan on it in March.

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You are all set in term of cost :wink: . We are still waiting and hoping for full tuition or moreā€¦

Pitt, in my opinion, is the ā€œbest bang for the buckā€ school but it will come down to ā€œfitā€.

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Does your daughter want to be in a city or is she unsure right now?

Daughter is not sure yet, I guess. She indicated that she likes Case but then she also likes Pitt. I think her DREAM school was Harvard but got shot down over time.

Hopefully she gets a chance to walk around. Itā€™s a great area for those who want a city campus. Unless you qualify for enough FA, Harvard will not come down to your desired cost.

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His stats are 3.98-4 UW 4.7 W 1480 SAT Rank top 3%. Very good ECā€™s We are IS for NJ and he was just notified 14K per year from NJIT. This was huge, but not sure about location. We were disappointed in Rowans 6K. Same for U of SC as your daughter. 10.5K per year from UCF.

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Congrats on the NJITā€™s scholarship. That would put cost way below UofSC for now and it would be closer. Have your son applied to Temple ? Pitt ? and UDel?

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No he didnā€™t. At the moment he would like to go south. Although who knows what the next few months can bring.
He didnā€™t care for UDel. Not sure why. We actually had a chance to tour last fall and he has a good friend that attends there. Thought it was going to make the list right after touring but was eliminated sometime before apps were submitted.