High Stats Student Looking for Merit in the North East

@1intwo2go did your so apply to University of Alabama…all campuses? If not, maybe that’s worth doing.

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Its a shame, 3 years ago Stockton would have given her 18K bringing even out of state down to like 16K…

I believe they still give 10K for top line stats these days but their pre med is an articulation agreement with Rowan Med School, stockton only does PT OT Speech I believe.

@Billb7581 what does this mean? A student can major in anything as an 7ndergrad and take the prerequisite courses to apply to medical school. Premed is an intention, not a major (there are a couple of colleges that do have this as a major but not very many).

I wasn’t following how BS/MD worked.

Stockton has pre med… they don’t have the med LOL.

They have a school of health sciences with PT OT and speech though, and probably other things I am forgetting. those are the most popular majors tho.

I am fairly certain those stats would get 10K merit though.

I think this student is finished with apps and is waiting to see final costs.


Harvard, JHU and Georgetown are high reach for D. and she knows even if they admit her, we can’t afford to send her there unless we win the lottery.

Many people have to turn down these schools due to cost. The good news is that they go elsewhere and do very well!


Except for the 3 Super high reach schools, we now have the results for all schools that daughter applied to. Below is the table of cost, scholarships, honors college acceptance:

School ACCEPTED Honors COA Merrit Final Cost 4 years Notes
University of Pittsburgh Yes Yes $50,000 $20K/yr (80K total) $30,000 $120,000 University scholarship
University of South Carolina Yes Yes $51,000 $25.5K/yr (102K total) $25,500 $122,000 Elite Award recipient
Stony Brook University Yes $47,000 $16K/yr (64K total) $31,000 $124,000 Presidential scholarship
Fordham University Yes Yes $80,000 $35.5K/yr (80K total) $45,000 $180,000 $26K (Dean) + $9.5K Tuition Award
Ursinus College Yes N/A $72,000 40K/yr (160K total) $32,000 $128,000 Zacharias Honors Scholarship
Temple University Yes Yes $52,000 18K/yr (72K total) $34,000 $136,000 Provost Scholarship
University of Maryland Yes Yes $25,000 $5K/yr (20K total) $20,000 $80,000 President scholarship
Georgetown University $78,000
Johns Hopkins University $75,000
Harvard $75,000
CWRU Withdrew $72,000

At this point, our in-state UMD is front runner in term of cost, location and what it has to offer. Daughter likes UMD and was thrilled when she got accepted into the Integrated Life Science program (Honors). We started out looking for BS/MD program but decided to focus on cost and location (near home), which we came up with the list of mostly nearby public and private schools minus a couple schools that daughter did not want to apply. Overall, it has been a stressful with some disappointments along the way but we have learned more about college process, which will definitely help us with our 2nd daughter in 4 years.

We hope this thread can provide useful data for future applicants and thanks to all, who provided help and encouragement during this bumpy college search journey.


@ttb1263 Very helpful indeed. Thanks for sharing.

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Congratulations to her!! I’m kind of surprised UofSC didn’t come in lower; she has a great school with UMD. Good luck to her!

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@ttb1263 This is super helpful. Thank you.

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UMD is the best option on the list and at an excellent price, imo. Congrats! I loved the school and all the honors programs and other special opportunities. I think I loved it too much and turned my D off. lol

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Funny thing with this chart is that the instate public option would have been cheapest even without the merit money given…as seen by the chart above.

Normally, the in-state public option is the best option for cost saving. In addition, UMD in-state tuition is cheapest (about 10K) compare to other instate (UofSC comes close with cost around $12K). UofSC gives decent merit including the OOS waiver but still more expensive with transportation and other indirect cost.

Do you live in MD ?

Yes, UMD meets all requirements and potentially will be D’s school in the Fall unless miracle happens. Pitt was also high in D’s favorite list but at the end of the day, it’s still cost 40K+ more for 4 years, which it’s still a large sum of money that we don’t want to spend.

Union College (I think it has BS/MD); Univ of Rochester (same). If you decide not to do BS/MD, look at Brandeis, Lafayette, Binghamton (they do offer some merit for OOS), UVM (also offers merit for OOS).



This student is a senior who has already applied to colleges. The deadlines for the schools you posted have long since passed for a HS senior applying this year.

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Oh, I am sorry - I missed that. I assumed this was a HS junior posting.

No, we were out of state. It was high on the list. She got a B/K. And I talked it up until it fell way down on the list and she ended up at UGA.

Oh man, we were hoping and dreaming for that grand prize, which never came. :joy: :rofl:

In any case, we set out to find a school that is around in-state cost, close to home where daughter wants to attend and UMD meets all the requirements. However, we wish we could have save all the time and money by just applying to UMD only. :rofl: :sob: :joy: