Higher Workload: MEEN 357 or ECEN 215?

<p>For current TAMU Mech Engr students who are currently enrolled in, or have already completed, MEEN 357 and ECEN 215: </p>

<p>Which course did you think has the highest workload? By that I mean, which one took more of your time outside of class?</p>

<p>Which was more difficult for you?</p>

<p>Would you suggest one over another for a student's third semester at TAMU to be taken concurrently with MEEN 221 and MEEN 222?</p>

<p>(This will be the student's first semester of the sophomore year. He has junior classification in terms of credit hours.)</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>


<p>Can anybody here give me any feedback re: MEEN 357 and ECEN 215?</p>
