Hilaritas - gotta see this concert!

<p>Posting this for those who have not yet viewed this amazing event at UA. You can see in person, if you’re lucky enough to be in T’town and get a ticket!..or you can probably view via uStream (<a href=“http://www.ustream.tv/channel/uofa-som”>UofA-SOM</a>).</p>

<p>Date: Friday, December 05, 2014
Time: 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM
Location: 125 Concert Hall Moody Music Building
(and again on Sunday, December 7th @ 3.00 PM - 5.30 PM)</p>

<p>Tickets for this event:
Main Floor: $15 for General Admission, $7 for seniors and students.
First Balcony: $15 for General Admission, $7 for senior and students.
Second Balcony: $10 for General Admission, $5 for seniors and students.</p>

<p>You can purchase online at uamusic.tix.com or call 348-1672. </p>

<p>“Hilaritas” is a Greek word that translates loosely into “Live joyfully, and be proud of what you are.” This family-friendly program has been a Tuscaloosa holiday tradition since 1969 when the University Singers and the Jazz Ensemble gave their first performance of holiday music by this name. Now, it involves many many ensembles within the School of Music and University Bands. It’s colorful, with students dressing up in many different themes. You never know what to expect each year. Enjoy the holiday spirit this weekend!</p>

Updating/bumping/reminding for 2015.

Date: Friday, December 04, 2015
Time: 07:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Location: 125 Concert Hall Moody Music Building
…and again on Sunday, December 6th @ 3.00 PM - 5.00 PM

Tickets @ uamusic.tix.com .

I’ve never been, but everybody who goes to it seems to praise it.

I’m just back from our trip down to see son in this concert (and visit him, etc.), so can update a few things. I had not been to this concert before.

This was apparently Dr. Ratledge’s last Hilaritas concert - not sure where he is going, but it was announced that he is leaving UA. This 2015 concert was, therefore, heavily weighted towards featuring the University Singers (which were great), under Ratledge’s direction. He’s a fine choral director. But I would have liked to have heard more variety from more of the Huxford (“Studio Orchestra”) musicians at this concert. They spent the bulk of it just sitting there. There are so many talented musicians at UA…it would be wonderful to feature more ensembles, small groups, and solos, rather than 80% of the program be choral. No doubt these concerts can take a slightly different direction in the future, which would be a welcome change.

I heard that the Friday evening concert was extremely well attended. The Sunday afternoon concert was filled up top (which has the best seats to view the stage), but there were several empty seats on the main level. PM me if you want specific info about UA’s music programs.

The concert was a welcome break for my student from studying for finals, but I made a huge error buying him a balcony seat. I thought he’d have fun sitting above the stage, but his seat turned out to be behind a huge cardboard church steeple. Not much of a view, but he said the music was great. The chairs next to him were missing, unbolted from the floor (I almost bought one of those.) So, next year, if he goes again, floor seats for sure. Worth the seven bucks and he found his seat location very amusing.