HIllsdale RD Decisions Class of 2025

I know students that have pulled their applications from what would be considered more prestigious colleges and universities due to some of their more draconian covid-19 measures. Some will have mandatory vaccinations🤷‍♀️ so that’s another piece of the puzzle that families must wrestle with.

I wonder what everyone’s major is? ( those that that got rejected)Mine is psychology.

I’m sorry to hear your son was rejected. How disappointing! :frowning: I’m just catching up on the posts here as I was a bit bummed after our deferment letter so I was taking a break from the internet. I think Hillsdale probably saw a record number of applications this year. It’s a wonderful school with a great educational philosophy Especially during these Covid times. I wish everyone the best of luck with their college acceptances and wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year.

I was accepted RD (as a History major) about a week ago, and was already offered a close-to-full-tuition scholarship (but I have a virtual interview on Tuesday? not sure how that works exactly lol). I’m a homeschooler (and independent, not through a co-op) but have taken DE courses through a local university and many other online courses (including some classical-model/Great Books-focused courses that align pretty well with Hillsdale’s philosophy). I have a 4.0 GPA (uw), 36 ACT and 10/12 writing score, 800 SAT US History, 800 SAT Literature, 760 SAT Math II (all Subject Tests aka SAT II), and 3 DE courses + 1 this spring, and am an Eagle Scout, Mitchell Award recipient and Cadet Commander in Civil Air Patrol, and a recipient of a couple of local, state, and national largely-community-service-based awards. I’m also a National Merit Semifinalist and presumably going to be a Finalist. Other than Scouts, CAP, 2 years of club track & XC, and church ministries, my main ECs are all local (central Appalachia) history-related - research, writing, lectures and presentations, museum volunteering, paid museum work, and paid work interning with TheClio, which is a history app created at a local university. That’s pretty much it I think - I’ve got applications in a lot of other places, but I was able to visit Hillsdale overnight pre-COVID and loved it

Cabellww1 - you are quite accomplished! nicely done. curious on where else you are looking?

My daughter’s HS school offers 75% tuition scholarships to Hillsdale; and I’m curious about the school. she’s class of 2023; that’s why I’m reading this thread.

Thank you!!

Pretty much all over the place lol. Hillsdale is the only place of its genre that I’m applying to, though I have friends interested in Grove City, Cedarville, and Patrick Henry if a college more like those is what your daughter is interested in. I’m mostly looking at places that have really great financial aid or offer fullride scholarships. I’ve already been accepted to Marshall (my local uni), Bama, Ole Miss, and South Carolina (and received initial scholarship offers from all 4). Other than those, I have applications in to Princeton, Harvard, Duke, Vanderbilt, Emory, W&L, UNC, Davidson, Richmond, Maryland, Clemson, and Miami (OH).

For those of you who have already heard back from your RD applications, how long did it take for you to get a decision? And my understanding is that they mail those out?

DC just checked the portal and got notified there. Still waiting for the snail mail to arrive. All the best to you!

My S heard from the mailing on 12/15, but he had applied in September, and 12/15 was the first date of notification. They always snail mail, so we got it a few days later and never saw anything in his portal (though I have not looked lately). They say that 4 weeks is a normal notification time.

My D applied 11/27. She checked the portal yesterday , 1/14, and saw that she was admitted. Hooray! It just said congratulations, but no additional details regarding financial/scholarship info. She has not received anything in the mail yet. Good luck!

Thanks for the replies! I was kind of a late applicant at the end of December, so it hasn’t been 4 weeks yet. I’m just antsy I guess. :slight_smile:

I wasn’t sure how the interview process worked. I sent an email to admissions after I applied asking about an interview. I didn’t hear back, but I now see on the portal that I should have emailed my admissions counselor. So I did that today. Did everyone here do an interview?

Yes, my D did one with her admissions counselor in person in October.

Congratulations!! My son also did an interview in November. We are anxiously waiting to hear!

We just randomly decided to check the portal yesterday. A friend’s S applied about the same time as my D, and he just got his envelope in the mail today. Hope you hear soon with good news!

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My son did an interview and did not get in; however, I do know that with Hillsdale, stated interest and an interview is highly encouraged and does help your application, so keep at it with your counselor and be sure to let the know if Hillsdale is your top choice.

Yes, DC interviewed when the admissions counselor visited our city back in October. Application was submitted mid November and results came back about 8 weeks later (they had said 4 weeks previously.) They really must be inundated with applications this year.

My son got a call from his admissions counselor this afternoon and he’s in!!! We are thrilled! He is a transfer student so he feels especially fortunate.
I would agree that the interview and demonstrated interest are big factors as well as regular communication with the admissions counselor. Good luck to those who are waiting to hear!! Results took exactly one month for us.


So I have an interview coming up! Can anyone who’s been through this with Hillsdale share what, in general, the questions are like? I’ve never done an admission interview before. Thanks!

They want to know you are a good fit. Hillsdale is a very conservative campus with a rigorous liberal arts education. Do research on the school and be ready to articulate: why it is a good fit for you, what you might bring to the campus (do you know what clubs you might want to join and such?), and why you are excited about the opportunity to attend. Their applications have approximately doubled so acceptance rates will be in the teens, so it is very competitive. Don’t let that intimidate you, but utilize it to motivate yourself to do your homework. Good luck.


I agree with everything in the last post. They want to know that you have done your research on the school so be ready to talk about some specifics that impress you. Also Hillsdale has an honor code. My son wasn’t asked to recite it but he was asked a question related to it. Overall he remembers it being conversational and a positive experience. Show your enthusiasm and if you get the opportunity talk about any leadership experience you have. Good luck!