Hispanic but not involved; Will I still get an advantage in admissions?

<p>Hello, I'm hispanic and a named NHRP scholar, but I'm wondering how much this will help when I don't really have a "backstory"/ didn't overcome any adversity being hispanic. I didn't include in my essays that I was hispanic at all, just on my common app and on my transcript. In this case, will I still be given an advantage or do universities generally look for applicants who are very active in the hispanic community?</p>

<p>My daughter was in the same boat as you and got mailings related to being a NHRP scholar.</p>

<p>Yes. It still helps. Many schools do not ask about your story. Check the box and complete the app. D got letters from everyone. Many did not delivery on the hype. Several did - Nebraska, U of AZ, ASU - waiting on others.</p>