Hispanic...GOT IN! 1240 SAT

<p>Hi, Im from Miami,Fl i got into U WISC last weekend.. kinda suprised i got in compared to some people on this forum
SAT!- 650 math 590 Reading 540 Writing
3.3 GPA
AMAZING EC"S ccaptain of 3 varsiy sports.. honestly just sick ec's and comm service
sick recs..sick essays.... is it easier for hispanics to get in?</p>

<p>WHat is better... or can you compare U wisc... U mich... U Miami... U deleware.. U Maryland</p>

<p>because ur a URM, it is easier for u to get in. but nontheless, congrats!
anyways it really depends what u want to go into to say which one is better.
if ur talking about national regonition. i'd probably go with U mich, U wisc, U maryland. it could also depend on where u live</p>

<p>Be sure to apply for finaid too. OOS minorities often get some.</p>

<p>Yeah, the UW is looking for diversity. I'd really apply for aid/scholarships...</p>

<p>But congrats... a 1240 is still competitive for the UW. 3.3 isn't bad if you've taken the right courseload. way to go on the sports... bucky loves its badger players!</p>

<p>I'd definitely say its easier because I got 1310 SAT and my gpa is 3.9 and I got postponed :(</p>

<p>ajr - thats strange you should have gotten in ... im caucasion and i got in with a 1270 sat, 27 act and a 3.6 gpa</p>