Hispanic Students - Class of 2017 Discussion Thread


<p>Was there a reason your son only applied to four schools?</p>

<p>Has he made a decision? (I’m assuming A&M based on what you wrote)</p>

<p>And congratulations to your son! It sounds like he will love his experience with friends, sports, honors, etc.</p>

<p>sbjdorlo, After he found out he had been accepted into EE at A&M in December, he really did not want to apply anywhere else. If he had not heard from A&M before Christmas or if he had been placed into Blinn or College of Liberal Arts etc he would have probably applied to Northeastern and University of Houston too.</p>

<p>He did not have the self confidence to apply to a MIT or CalTech. Remember he was recommended for transfer to an alternative school with a GPA in the bottom of the second quartile when he started high school. It is hard to shake it off when your counselors have been telling you that you are incapable of succeeding in a regular high school.</p>

<p>Heres my tally, will post stats later if anyone wants to see:
Harvard (most likely attending)
Notre Dame (nominated for Honors college/25k/yr scholarship) (LL)
Fordham (Deans scholarship) (LL)
U Miami (25k/yr, Hammond, Singer finalist)
UNC-CH (Pogue Nom)
UCSB (regents scholar)
University of Florida
Vanderbilt (MOSAIC LL)
Washington University, St. Louis
Stanford (SCEA)-it was so demoralizing to be straight rejected EA but I ended up ok…lol</p>

<p>My S
Accepted- Cornell, Notre Dame, NYU, St Johns (full), Binghamton, Baruch Honors (full),Fordham, Hofstra
Waitlisted- Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth
Out- Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn</p>

<p>Without interview did not have hopes up for Yale nor Penn</p>

<p>Pretty Happy with choices and will W/L at C,B&D</p>

<p>For Now Cornell, with research scholarship and state contract tuition is our best bet.</p>

<p>Good Luck all !!!</p>

Congrats on those wonderful results for your son. Be sure to check the common data set for his wl schools so that you have some idea of past numbers. Be suire he also sends in an email to his regional rep for wl schools and that he writes to them every other week to weekly (not too annoying) to reaffirm his interest at those schools. </p>

<p>Could you please fill me in on the scholarship your son got at Cornell? It is rare to get any merit money from an ivy so I would like to know the amount and selection criteria. Thank you.</p>

Thanks for your advise on w/l schools . My son has contacted them and will send in letters this week. I am not sure how to find out who regional rep is but maybe we will call admissions office. As for the scholarship from Cornell it is called the Hunter Rawlings research scholar program and not really connected with merit. The students will have to work with a mentor on research ( actual work hours would be required). They are selected due to their high academic achievement but it is not just money handed to them. Their website describes 3 different
scholars program of which my son was selected to partake in one. I believe it is 8,000 per year and he can apply for an additional 4,000 if he qualifies on need basis. Only freshman get the 8,000. Upper classmen who are accepted to the program get 5,000. We will visit this coming week to find out more on this opportunity.</p>

<p>Great, Yolie!!</p>

<p>And congratulations to all the others posting their acceptances. It seems this year was a very good year for college admittance on the Hispanic forum.</p>


<p>Thank you for that information. My DD is interested in Cornell and that research scholar program may help. She has already been involved in a research program here at our local university.</p>

<p>The best place to find the regional rep is the admission page of the college or as you suggested calling the admissions office. I did a quick search and this link gives the regional reps for Brown. [Admission</a> Staff | Undergraduate Admission](<a href=“Undergraduate Admission | Brown University”>Undergraduate Admission | Brown University)
Also check to see if there is a latino/AA recruitment person in the respective admission office. If there is then have your son direct a letter to them also. Be sure to include any “new” info your son may have. </p>

<p>I agree this has been a good year for college acceptances on the Hispanic forum. However it would be nice if every hispanic student who visits this thread posts their results. I don’t want students to be discourage to share if they don’t have the list of ivy acceptances we have see so far. </p>

<p>Congrats again to the Class of 2013 with college acceptances. </p>

<p>P.S. I don’t want anyone to think I am crazy with my late night postings. It seems since I have returned from my DD’s robotic’s competition no one will let me sleep and each night something happens on my street to wake me up. Tonight ambulances arrived to take my dear neighbor to the hospital so of course I am up worrying about her.</p>

<p>@itsv, thank you for all the waitlist advice! good luck to your child !</p>

<p>Thanks sbjdorlo!</p>

<p>Yolie- they won their regional competition and we are now headed off to the world championship in FIRST robotics. I am in a panic because I get back and then two days later leave for a month out of the country. My plans sounded great nine months ago but I am in a major panic now. Thanks.</p>

<p>Congratulations Yolie, wow so ND is his fall back safety! Good idea to waitlist C, B & D. His new SAT score certainly suggests he is academically qualified to take them on.</p>

<p>Interesting how things work things work for students. I’ve enjoyed reading his experience and how it relates to my own son’s. </p>

<p>[Green</a> Light From Ivy League, but Mixed Signals From Stanford - NYTimes.com](<a href=“Green Light From Ivy League, but Mixed Signals From Stanford - The New York Times”>Green Light From Ivy League, but Mixed Signals From Stanford - The New York Times)</p>

<p>A bit shocked at F/A at Cornell- of 43,000 expected to pay 38,000+. We have another in college at 25K and that means 63K per year! Can this be real??? Well St Johns full tuition and other possible choices may be in play once again. Do we appeal? Our EFC was 30,000 for both kids. SMH and feeling kind of sick.</p>

<p>Turns out the 8,000 research money is for supplies to perform research and not part of education package :(</p>


<p>Yes, appeal. If you can show Cornell that you can’t afford that, they may give more. Be as detailed as possible about what expenses you have that they didn’t consider and reemphasize two in college. Are they known for mediocre aid? So sorry. :-(</p>

<p>my s is torn between 2 schools. we recieved the second f/a pavkage by email just yesterday. should we or can we request extension?</p>


<p>It can’t hurt to ask! Since it’s nighttime on the first, did your son decide to ask for an extension?</p>

<p>Yes sent deposit into Cornell and asked for extension from ND. They were very gracious to give us an extra 10 days until May 10. We are appealing F/A for Cornell and ND. In a good place right now but still a bit anxious.</p>

<p>My son is off waitlist and accepted to Columbia- very happy! better F/A package and close to home. :)</p>

<p>Yes! Wonderful news Yolie!</p>