Hispanic Students - Class of 2017 Discussion Thread

<p>No, it was his EA school. Having that one in his pocket has taken the edge off the process, for sure, though I’ve been stressing about the money. Thankfully, it turned out OK.</p>

<p>You don’t say I have a student who was deferred EA and is waiting. No Latino but still a very good student who I have known her own life and I went to college with the parents. </p>

<p>Not every Latino high school student posts in this forum but I have been looking at acceptances at many schools and it seems like a very good year for the Latino high school student. If I am bored this summer I may go through many of those acceptances and try to organize them in some fashion and post the info here. </p>

<p>Congrats to everyone. If you did not get into the school of your dreams just remember it is no reflection on your accomplishments. I know all of you will end up at a school that will give you a great experience and education. It worked out that way for my DS and many others here on this forum.</p>

<p>O.M.G. He’s in at Pomona. I didn’t see that one coming. And we have a new winner for best FA package.</p>

<p>Accepted to Williams (!!) today and received Duke’s financial aid package (which is second only to WUSTL in terms of generosity). Also WL at Washington & Lee :(</p>

<p>Everyone ready for Ivy Day?</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I’ve never posted on here so some info about me</p>

<p>Hispanic Female- Dominican & Puerto Rican</p>

<p>Um, I’ll be going to pace in fall!</p>

<p>Jazzii, one of my Favorite kids likely will be at Pace in the fall. :)</p>

<p>Congratulations, Youdon’tsay! Fabulous news on both the college and the f. aid package.</p>

<p>Wrapping up my news: the young lady that I worked with this year got into her dream school, USC! Let’s hope the f. aid package will work out for her; otherwise, it will be her other great choice, UCLA.</p>

<p>I think the combo of non-academic major (photography), high u/w gpa (3.9 or 3.92), really great and unique ECs, and a unique story (lost her home in fire), over shadowed her lower SAT score of 1730 and no SAT II tests.</p>


<p>Congratulations on Pace!</p>

*Princeton (<3)



<p>Not getting outright rejected from HYP is pretty cool tbh</p>

<p>My son was accepted into Princeton. Has to decide between Yale and Princeton.</p>

<p>And ds’s final tally:</p>

<p>Yes: Georgetown, Pomona, Claremont McKenna, American, GW and Texas A&M
WL: Rice
No: Yale</p>

<p>Really happy with these outcomes.</p>

<p>Congratulations on all the acceptances. Now the hard part of deciding where to go. What a problem to have!</p>

<p>YDS I did call Rice and we went through their offer. They ended up doing a 60-40 split on our EFC between our daughter and son. The FA counselor was awesome. I told her our daughter attends an out of state school and we spend at least half on her. She said to send an e-mail with the information and they would re-consider their offer. Well they did and thankfully they offered my son an additional $4,000 in grant money. We are very pleased that they re-considered the offer.
Now we’re waiting for the FA offer from Notre Dame. My son really wants to go to Rice and so far it looks like that’s where he’ll go unless ND offers more.</p>

<p>Where on the forum would I post my son’s stats? I’d like to put his up so other students will have hope and just apply to any school they want to. All they can tell you is no. No risk, no reward :)</p>

<p>Son was accepted to Harvard and Columbia today and Duke yesterday. Also accepted to Caltech, MIT (EA), WUSTL, Vanderbilt, UCB, UCLA, UCR, and UCSD. Thank you to all who post in this forum for all your great and helpful information. That completes DS admission season but I will sticking around for DD who is HS class of 2016.</p>

<p>Accepted to barnard, brown, columbia, dartmouth and Harvard. Wait listed at Princeton.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you!! So many amazing young people on this forum!! Kuddos to you, parents! Now the decision making part begins as you sort through all the financial aid packages. :-)</p>

<p>My final tally:
Rejected: None. It feels strange saying that.
Waitlisted: Uchicago, Princeton.
Accepted: University of Washington, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, University of Miami, Rice, Duke, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Stanford, Harvard, Yale.</p>

<p>Accepted: UPenn, Brown, Northwestern, UMD, Fordham
Waitlisted: Stanford, Columbia, Tufts
Rejected: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT</p>

<p>Feels good to have made a dent into HYPSM. Feels even better to know I’ll most likely be attending an Ivy with zero debt :)</p>

<p>Looking at the numbers, this was a tough year in general so congrats to all. In many cases, early action greatly improves your chances if you’re in the running.</p>

<p>My results:</p>

Northeastern (full tuition)
Carnegie Mellon</p>

Fordham (never sent my midyear)</p>


<p>Accepted: A&M, UT.</p>

<p>Rejected: Harvard, Wharton.</p>

.PSAT: 219 (NHRP, National Merit semifinalist)
.SAT & SAT Subject Tests: 700s
.11 APs (four 5s and one 4 junior year)
.Competitive high school.</p>

.Second quartile.
.Did not make National Merit Finalist.
.Did not spend too much time on essays. Did not ask anyone to review them, not even me. He was happy knowing he could attend A&M Engineering Honors Program with hs classmates, close to home & good sports opportunties not available at the Ivies.
.Did not address the issue of bias in his school district and how it impacted his class rank etc.</p>

<p>As a side note, I was surprized to learn that nobody from his hs has been accepted to H. It is the flagship with the most NMSFs in the district. Last year they sent two to H and four to Stanford. Although, two were accepted to H from the lesser and least competitive schools in the district, (which makes me happy).</p>