Hispanic Students - COLLEGE CLASS of 2015

<p>Entomom - congrats to you and your daughter!
This last little bit of waiting is I think the most stressful part! But it will all be over soon, then we can stress about them leaving. :-)</p>

<p>In my previous post complaining aabout the fiancial aid from favorite school, I should have said ‘they are FAFSA only’ (instead of ‘profile only’). I was a little stressed. We are getting over it, kind of. :slight_smile: It will all work out the way it is supposed to.</p>

<p>I keep asking my daughter where her friends are going, and they don’t even talk about it much, she doesn’t even know where they applied. So in her world, it is only me that stresses about it.</p>

<p>Good luck to all during this waiting.</p>

<p>Dear Parents of Class of 2015 (even entomom who is experienced in this area :))</p>

<p>As I read all of your posts I want to tell you to all the following:</p>

<p>Hang in there and don’t let the stress of waiting and wondering ruin the time you have with your children now. It is their last days of high school and I don’t want you to let this “college waiting game” deny you the joy; love and experience of having your children still at home with you. As the current mother of a high school freshman and college freshman believe me these next few months and the summer will go by very quickly. Take the time to live in the moment. Visit with your child; make their favorite food; watch a movie with them -just do something fun or be with them with no talk of college.</p>

<p>I have been reading your posts for the past six months so I know all of you have raised some great children and are truly positively involved with your children. I know the next few weeks of waiting will be tough; but you all need to be reminded that you did a great deal of homework about the college process. You also need to be reminded that your child’s worth should not be dependent on where they get accepted to a certain school or by how many scholarships they receive. In the next few weeks you and your children may be experiencing the “highs and the lows” of the college decision making process but trust me in the end all of your children will end up at a great college and have a wonderful experience. Last year at this time my DS got rejected by 8 schools within a two day period (all of his reaches) and I frankly was so upset since my kid had very good grades and test scores. Although it was tough to see the disappointment in my child’s eyes; the college process really did work out correctly. My DS loves the college he is attending. I look at him and I think “how could he be any where else for school other than his current school since it fits him so well.” Where your children end up truly will work out for the best in the end. </p>

<p>Moreover enjoy their time now because it really is rather fleeting. Just yesterday my son texted me asking if I could change his plane reservation for spring break so that he could return to his college early to do an activity at the school. I thought to myself “wow he really has left the nest.” Now I really wish I had some of those days back last year where they were too focused on what college he was going to get into and instead wished I had just hung out with him. </p>

<p>Good luck to all of you and your children. I know next year at this time both of you will be very happy. </p>


<p>ITSV, thank you so much for these beautiful, thoughtful words. My DS in Class of 2016, but I feel myself already beginning to get tense about this process. I shall bookmark your post for re-reading this time next year.</p>

<p>Hi All, well I let the pressure get to me and had a minor melt down but I felt that if i was going to tell any forum about my D1 getting into Cornell that it should be this forum. I was going to post on the rolling admissions thread but there has been so much grumbling on the likely letters threads about them going to athletes and URMS that I became leary and nobody else has posted. My D got a letter today inviting her to a multicultural diversity weekend and it said it was a reward for all her hard work, outstanding academic achievement, and to give her a chance to see what the school was like-since she was ADMITTED! </p>

<p>I was on my elliptical exercising downstairs and the screams from upstairs made me think somebody was invading my home and was stabbing my wife or she was having a heart attack! LOL…so it turns out that good news can sound exactly like bad news. So that is my story. </p>

<p>I know I have been as much of a helicopter dad as well “helicopter dad” in fact way more, but maybe since I got wait listed from CALS (College of AG and Life Sciences) I am even more ecstatic-but her acceptance is so incredibly much better than when I got mine (to other schools that were pretty good)–only a parent and especially a latino parent would understand–as I have said, I am not the hispanic parent but I certainly have the culture ingrained in me and embrace it as my own. My own family never showed the type of love or caring for their kids as my wife’s family, it is what it is.
Anyway, I wanted to let this board know that people here have been kind, never insulting, and always helpful-especially entomom who I probably taxed as a moderator a bit more than I should have. I am very happy for you entomom that things are working out well for you and your child in having a few choices. In any case, thanks to alll for your support. Dignity, you scared me as my D did not get the invite to Duke similar weekend as this but they got her app messed up and she had to send her mid-year update only last week so hopefully she still has a chance but no matter-something good has finally happened for once and I am not going to let anything get me down even if every other college is a reject.
Thanks, Entomom, ITSV (mainly for all your great posts about NHRP scholarships and just great information overall), Dignity and many others I am forgetting for helping me or distracting me when I let some other posters get the better of me. I should have stuck to this board and that is why this board gets the nod. I will post this over on the Cornell board soon but until I see somebody get a rollling admissions accept for now I am thinking of this more like a likely and given the kind of stuff that always gets said I am just keeping it over here for now. Good luck to all of your kids on getting into the schools you hope for.</p>

<p>ITSV, I just read your post and thought to myself, I knew I had been missing a certain type of poster that just is a rarity in any forum. You are truly eloquent and wise in your post and I hope that whatever colleges people’s kids get into that they remember your thoughts as they are 100 percent on the money. Be well…WLM (no more wait lists!)</p>

<p>Yay for all the great news…congrats to Entomom’s and Waitlistdad’s D’s! How wonderful.
Itsv…will keep your advice in mind these next few weeks. Thank you. Maybe we should all agree to post here again this time next year to tell our stories? I’m in…</p>

<p>Thanks to itsv and WLM for your posts. And congrats to everyone on the good news!</p>

<p>So happy everything worked out for D of wlm!</p>

<p>And than you itsv for your continued support and wise words for this forum.</p>

<p>This is my first post to CC. I’ve read many of your wonderful insights and they have helped our family navigate our way through the college application process. My son, like quite a few of your children, is anxiously awaiting news in April. </p>

<p>He applied EA to Georgetown SFS and was deferred (his #1) and he has received likely letters from UVA and the University of Richmond. He applied to 15 schools all together (a complete paperwork nightmare) so we are all waiting to see if his hard work will pay off or not.</p>

<p>Thank you itsv for your post.</p>

<p>Welcome Tejana! Good luck to your S in the weeks to come.</p>

<p>Thank you entomom! I was hesitant to post but I hope that other families can gain some insight from my son’s experiences, mistakes and all. One thing I would recommend for all families is to become quite familiar with the college counselor at your child’s school. My son’s was invaluable to him throughout this process. Even so, the application process for my S was at times quite overwhelming and confusing. I truly appreciated all the posts and guidance from this sight!!!</p>

<p>^^^I’m so glad you decided to join in! I think that sharing experiences is so important because not only does it help support those of us currently going through the process, but all of the students to come. Please feel free to only post the information that you feel comfortable sharing.</p>

<p>Received a message today from Fordham Admissions regarding a question about my S application. Fordham really wasn’t on his radar in the early months (until he saw the nice financial aid packages offered) so he did not apply EA but rather RD. They were already closed for business by the time we received the message. Doesn’t it seem a bit late to start calling about application issues?</p>

<p>Heading out Monday to visit a few midwest colleges for spring break. See you all at the end of the week!</p>


<p>Say hi to my husband who is out in Wisconsin with his family. My DS is home for spring break and the weather here in California is actually worse than in Columbus right now. He is pretty upset. </p>

<p>Good luck in your visits. I hope it helps your DD in making a decision.</p>


<p>Looks like the long wait is coming to an end. RD decisions have started to come in. D received three e-mails between Thursday and Friday. Accepted from two out of state privates and declined from another out of state private (which I am secretely happy about because it was too far from home). We are still wating to hear from a few more.</p>

<p>Congratulations to your D occdom4!!! It is really great to see the kids get so excited when the acceptances come in. Hope she gets even more great news!</p>

<p>I feel like I am in a roller coaster of emotions. Today D got notice from one of her top choices: rejected. Oh well…the wait continues…I can’t wait for it to be over.</p>

<p>Let’s celebrate the acceptances! Congrats to D, Occ, and welcome Tejana–good luck with S’s choices!
We’re on a rejection roll but none from D’s high interest colleges (well one anyway,but she knew it was a reach). No word yet on D’s first choice but she is very worried now. She should hear from her in-state public this week. Congrats again to all on acceptances so far.</p>