Hispanic Students - COLLEGE CLASS of 2015

I’m afraid I’m not familiar with Cornell’s program either, my advice would be to call them and ask why he was put into it. Also give FA a call and ask them to review your FA. It never hurts to ask, tell them that your son really wants to attend but that the EFC is higher than you expected and see if they can do anything for you.</p>

<p>music, sorry, not familiar with NYUs program either.</p>

<p>Nice of you to volunteer cg! Wish I could do the same, but D1 is home and CC is going kinda nuts with all of the early decisions coming out so moderating is taking a lot of time.</p>

<p>Our news was not as good, a deferral to the early school. It was tough as first, but she finally understood that deferral meant that she was a competitive candidate and that acceptance was a very long shot for anyone. She’s off skiing for 4 days and hopefully will come back with renewed energy to finish up scholarship essays and one more college app.</p>

<p>Two more acceptances for D over the weekend: Fordham and Rutgers. No FA information yet.</p>

<p>^^Great news, keeping my fingers crossed for the FA packages!</p>

<p>just an update…</p>

<p>The program is for minorities and H/EOP students. The program will allow my son to take 2 classes towards his undergraduate degree. I think they do this to lighten the load for the year to ensure a more successful college transition. He will also get to meet other students and become familiar with the campus. It sounds like a great program. I don’t know why I was so worried. I guess I was afraid they thought he would have difficulty at the school. </p>

<p>Congratulations everybody… it is nice to see all the college acceptances.</p>

<p>Todos: Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!</p>

<p>Congrats again to all those who’ve gotten yet more acceptances! Has anyone besides us received a letter from admissions asking parents to supply an optional letter to further describe their student applicant? We received one this week, not sure if it is a good or bad sign or neither. D’s stats are on the lower end of the middle 50th percentile for this college but it is her #1 choice.
Any comments or thoughts welcome. thanks!</p>

<p>I’ve never received such a request, but I have heard of it. I think it’s a good sign in the sense that even though your Ds stats are on the lower side for that school, they’re seriously considering her, if they weren’t, they wouldn’t have asked for the additional information. In writing the letter, try to address some aspects of your D that don’t readily show up on her applications, intangibles such as how she looks at the world and interacts with it. Be sure they know what great qualities your D will bring to their school. Good luck!</p>

<p>I have heard of a college asking for a letter of rec from parents. One of my friends really enjoyed sending a note about her son. Then in some of the materials after he was admitted the college referred to some of the information so as to personalize the process. This was a SLAC…Happy new year, everyone!</p>

<p>I feel like I’ve posted this everywhere but I’ve only just found this subforum haha</p>

<p>I am 100% Puerto Rican - my dad is straight from the island and my maternal grandparents are as well. I was accepted at Amherst College ED with a great package and will be attending :)</p>

<p>62ayyy, you have a right to be excited and proud. Congratulations and best of luck!</p>

<p>Thank you very much :slight_smile: I’ll need all the luck I can get at Amherst haha</p>

<p>Congrats 62ayyy, a great school in a beautiful place! Enjoy!</p>

<p>62AYYY - Wow, Amherst! Congrats!!!</p>

<p>Sharing a lesson and a couple of other updates.</p>

<p>University of Arizona, we had all the parts in, did not check status, wondering why we had not heard decision, finally decided to check and was showing transcript not received. Called office after break, student found transcript. Still a few days later status was showing transcript not received. Finally emailed our Admin Counselor, next day got email saying the transcript was not matched with her application, and congrats she was admitted. But, they must not be recognizing she is a NHS, because scholarship amount is not right. (I’ve read the same thing on here before). I’m sure we will get this straightened out now that I’m on top of it and following up on everything.
LESSON = don’t assume all parts of application are complete and received and matched up. If the school doesn’t let you know this with an email or post card, then check online or with phone call.</p>

<p>A couple of other updates of note:</p>

<p>University of Richmond. They have asked me, as the parent, to write a letter about my daughter. It is an optional part of the admission process for all regular decision applicants. Interesting, good idea. It will be fun. Who better to ‘sell’ my daughter.</p>

<p>Kenyon. Daughter got a travel grant to go visit. Going in Feb for Multi Cultral Visit Days. Staying 2 nights in dorms. What a great opportunity!</p>

<p>D still has 2 more apps to complete. And I’m starting to stress about the FAFSA stuff. Waiting for W2’s, etc.</p>

<p>Good luck to all!</p>


<p>The same thing happened to my son at Arizona last year so call them right away to report the mistake. I don’t remember if we had to send something. Then if you don’t get a corrected scholarship offer (which I think is 100K) within 2 weeks call again. Also make sure she gets invited to Honors College which was another mistake Arizona made. I want to say it took them about a month to correct the two mistakes but you have to stay on them.</p>

<p>Congrats on travel grant. Also be sure to get FASFA done in time. Even if you have to estimate you have to file it by I think Feb. 1. Many people miss this deadline since that is usually the deadline if you want additional monies from some of the schools. Just double check all schools because some like Villanova also wanted a copy of our tax returns by that date. I sent them a draft and said I would submit the final version which satisfied their requirement.</p>

<p>Hi everyone and congratulations for some wonderful acceptances. This waiting period is difficult, but my D seems to have plenty to occupy her thoughts and time. So far D was accepted to OOS Public and Deferred by Ivy (she applied EA). So, we shall wait…My S (now a college sophomore) started receiving some acceptances and invitations for interviews at the end of January, beginning of February, so that is right around the corner…</p>

Good luck on the remaining apps and the FA paperwork. That’s my task for the next couple of weeks too, gee how I hate fr year FA! The trip to Kenyon sounds great, hope your D enjoys it and gets a good feel for the school.</p>

<p>We should hear back from the last OOS public any day now, then it’s the long wait until April. Two more scholarship applications left but the essays are written and they just need to be polished up and submitted. One interview next week and perhaps a couple more to come if they have alum here in town. D2 is at the start of ski season and she’s been selected as one of 10 girls and boys for the annual sr fundraiser that will last through May. I can’t wait til June!</p>

<p>Housing has been an eye opener, guess we didn’t deal with this as much with D1 since she only had one rolling public. Our IS public lets you apply for housing with a small fee BEFORE you’re even accepted, while one OOS public makes you pay the $300 non-refundable acceptance fee to apply for housing. Luckily at that school she’s been accepted to Honors which has their own housing and a much later application date. A third OOS public has a Feb 1 housing deadline but lets you apply for housing with a small, refundable fee before paying your acceptance fee. Not sure what the last one does, guess I’ll look into that when/if she’s accepted.</p>

<p>My son was accepted OOS by Wisconsin-Madison…good housing is hard to get so they offer the small deposit (something like $50) to save a space and if you accept you could then pay the real deposit, rank your housing choices and know that you had a good chance to get your choice if you paid the little deposit early (accepted in November with rolling admissions). We paid it since we had no idea of other outcomes and they refunded the money promptly when he turned down the school…BUT refund came in his name and he had to sign it over to me when he returned from his summer trip. Perhaps your OOS ^^^works the same way. I thought it was a fair system. CMU put you in line for housing when you accepted and paid the big deposit (non refundable) and so the ED kids get the best housing…I think that stinks since they all pay the same deposit and RD kids may not have applied ED because of FA considerations. My son waited until late may to make his choice and got a really crappy room in a non desirable dorm. Luckily, he is insanely happy despite a double that would be very small as a single–far from campus and all boys. So …dorm assignment apparently doesn’t really impact happiness at school.</p>

<p>Got the acceptance to the last OOS public yesterday, now she has to wait on scholarship notification, which luckily is on a rolling basis.</p>

<p>famm, yes UWisc is one of her schools and they are very reasonable. This latest one is pretty good too, you don’t have to pay the large acceptance fee in order to reserve housing. They work on a first come first served basis, but she will likely opt for the Honors dorm which is not quite so time sensitive. </p>

<p>Unfortunately she won’t have an opportunity to visit these schools until spring break. She won’t even know about scholarships decisions at UWisc by that time, so she’ll just have to visit w/o knowing if it will be affordable.</p>

<p>Congrats on the latest acceptances! I’d like to get your thoughts on the following. My son has been accepted to two universities, one oos public and one oos private (the latter is one of his top choices). He is waiting to hear from 7 more schools, 4 in-state. Here is my question: He has decided to wait until April to visit the private to which he was already accepted because he wants to go during accepted students’ weekend. Assuming he will get into at least some of the remaining schools, is it realistic to think we can do visits in late March/early April to the remaining schools? Have any of you done whirlwind visits during the crunch month of April? Thanks, Cg.</p>

<p>After decisions were in, D1 had 6 schools she was most interested in. Of those, she had visited all but 2 of them previously. So in April we took a trip and she saw the remaining 2 and revisited 2 that were relatively close by for their accepted students days.</p>

<p>We spent a day and an overnight in all of them as I recall. She was able to attend parts of the accepted students days in all of them, but we had to make our own arrangements for the overnight at one because the night we were there was outside of the window that the college was willing to make arrangements. I actually posted a message asking if anyone had a kid at the school that might be willing to put her up for the night and a CC parent was nice enough to oblige. We drove between schools and she took a bus to the final one on her own as I had to return home early. It was hectic, but helpful for her decision making.</p>

<p>What really matters is where the colleges are and how long it takes to travel between them. D2 will have to make 2 trips, one before (during our spring break) and one after decisions. Before RD decisions, she will visit 3 in the midwest, 2 publics that she’s already been accepted to and a private that is RD. Depending on decisions, she will possibly visit another public that she’s been accepted to and hopefully a couple of RD privates. There’s 1 RD private in CA, but she visited several years ago and won’t revisit.</p>