Hispanic Students - COLLEGE CLASS of 2015

<p>We are new to this process and glad to have found this forum. We have applied for my daughter at several schools. She is a NHRS.–</p>

<p>Baylor–54k + chance to apply for 20k more by essay
Loyola Chicago–48k
UT austin–accepted–waiting on offer and honors program
Boston College–waiting
Notre Dame–waiting
Fordham-- waiting
others-- also waiting</p>

University of Arizona 120k + honors program
some others, but I have the file at the office.</p>

<p>We have applied at some of these schools because fees were waived, and her counselor said we should, Seems like a lot to me but I still am looking at more after reading this forum. I am driving myself a little crazy over this and still have 2 more kids to go!
Now Fafsa and Css!</p>

<p>Hi and welcome to the Hispanic Students forum vanmo1!</p>

<p>Looks like your D is off to a great start with 3 acceptances all ready and merit aid to boot! Yes, there are many options for NHRP kids, some really great opportunities at a range of schools. I think if you’re looking at scholarships, the number of schools edges up pretty quickly. You’ll be a pro by the time your other children are ready for the admissions process. </p>

<p>I worked on my taxes today and FA is next in line, it would be great to have the first round all finished up this week.</p>

<p>Thanks for the warm welcome and I will keep you posted</p>

<p>Yes, the visits … My daughter has only visited 2 of the 10 schools she has applied to. I figure that is the next thing to stress about after app number 10 is done (#9 was done yesterday) and all of the financial stuff is done. We will only worry about trying to visit ones that are really on the top of her list and actually turn out to be possibly affordable after all of the financial stuff is figured out. No use worry about visiting somewhere if it does not come thru with a good enough combination of merit scholarships and need baised financial aid. But it may be difficult to fit in visiting a few, not to mention affording it! She will be visiting Kenyon next month on a travel grant. This will be her first time traveling on her own (CA to OH). I will be nervous, but all part of this process. Good luck all, we are getting thru it!</p>

<p>D was accepted to Seton Hall University with a 20K/year for 4years. This is the last of her safeties. So far we have only heard from one of her targets: Fordham. She was accepted but still no information on FA. She is very calm but I am very anxious, especially because it would be nice to know soon where she will end up and how much it will cost us (my youngest will start college in two years).
We have only visited two of the OOS schools she is applying to. We decided we would visit the rest once we knew which accepted her. Time is an issue for us and we will try to squeeze in visits during Easter and Spring breaks.</p>

<p>Congrats to your D occdom4, hopefully she’ll get goo aid from the other schools and give her some nice choices this spring!</p>

Im new to the whole forum thing…bear with me.
I applied to the Annika rodriguez scholarship for WashU and wondered what my chances were… SAT: CR 770 M 750
GPA 3.97/4.0</p>

<p>Hi Claudia and welcome!</p>

<p>Your stats look great and you should be in the running. As you know, the Rodriguez is a highly competitive scholarship, and likely many factors, including academic record, ECs, and your essay are considered.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Hi, not posted as I have not had anything to add other than my D got off many applications to a variety of schools…how is it people are getting replies back so early? A couple of schools offered to reply by February but normally RD announcements do not come until March. Is there some secret because of the college soliciting you? She has applied to a couple of the colleges others have mentioned here and not gotten even the acceptance letter much less FA. Oh well, maybe its because she is applying for some merit things that are orthogonal to FA…anyway, be glad when this is over. At this point I have absolutely no clue what colleges my D will get into. I thought I was quite sure earlier but right now I am a bit mystified as to the whole process. Good luck all…</p>

<p>Hey wlm, good to hear from you! </p>

<p>All of my D2s schools are rolling, thus the admissions and merit info. I’m not familiar with some of the other privates people have reported and so just assumed they have some sort of early notification policies.</p>

<p>Just opened the scholarship letter from the last OOS public, had to wait until D2 came home from skiing ;). Wonderful news, almost 20k/yr plus a small 1 yr research scholarship. They have very low OOS tuition and housing costs totaling about 25k, so it would definitely be affordable. She still has to visit, but it does give her a financial safety other than our IS public, which is what we were aiming for.</p>

<p>Oh my, Congrats ento on D2’s OOS and scholarship money. Wow!
Our house: D has 2 EA results: 1 thumbs up, 1 thumbs down. All the rest of the apps are RD and the wait is hard! Taking advantage of the lull by doing income taxes. (oh joy!)</p>

<p>Good luck everyone incl Claudia!</p>

<p>Thanks JNRMom and congratulations to your D on her EA acceptance too! </p>

<p>I sent in FAFSA and Profile yesterday. I’m definitely going to have to make corrections, but that’s the way it is fr year. Sending in one scholarship packet this week and one more left that is pretty much complete except that it requires a mid-year transcript. Our HS doesn’t even have mid-year finals until early Feb, hopefully they’re quick in getting out updated transcripts for the seniors.</p>

<p>Hi Everyone- waitlistman’s post reminds me how there is a bit of unpredictability to this process. It’s difficult to keep track of EA/ED, rolling admissions, early notification for scholarships, regular March decision. Also, it appears that merit decisions come up at different points, more quickly at some schools than others or sometimes the merit offers accompany the acceptances.</p>

<p>Yes, Rolling Admissions or Early Action Admissions makes it nice to know some of the answers, including Merit Scholarships early. But still have to wait for the full financial picture until after all of the need based aid is figured in.</p>

<p>Copterguy, yes, very had to track. I’ve created multiple spreadsheets. The latest being what schools need what financial information, when. Some need just FAFSA, some also need Profile, some need Profile Non-Custodial Profile. A couple of different due dates, have to use the earliest one (Feb 1 for us). </p>

<p>I submitted FAFSA and Profile last night!!! Daughter still has the last app to complete, it is due by Feb 1.</p>

<p>Good luck all, we are almost thru this crazy part of the process.</p>

<p>D and I also created a spreadsheet to keep track of everything. We have heard from all the schools she applied E/A. Saturday we heard from Penn State which I believe is rolling admission. She is in! She was getting nervous because she had submitted her application before Thanksgiving. This was good news, since this is another target school. We submitted the FAFSA yesterday so now we have a long wait until March/April to hear from R/D applications and hopefully start hearing more about FA.
We had a couple of unsolicited offers, but she was not interested.
I can’t wait until Spring…I am tired of the cold and the snow…</p>

<p>I have managed to extract one more app from my daughter, and have one more left to extricate. She has held up extremely well, but this process is wearing on us. An 18 year old needs to know that they may know a lot but they are really not equipped to make these complex, high dollar, difficult decisions without our help, guidance, and nagging to get things done. Surely, one day they will fully appreciate what we do for them. Good luck everybody–and now we wait…</p>

<p>occdom4, Congratulations to your D on Penn State!</p>

<p>I’m setting up a trip to visit 3 mid-west schools at the end of March. It should be fun and hopefully spring will at least peek it’s head out a little by then.</p>

<p>I keep reading about record numbers of apps all over the place – both public and private. I wonder if this is a demographic effect – after this the number of high school grads is supposed to start going down. Or are students applying to more schools in the hopes of getting in and getting aid?</p>

<p>I heard of a couple of girls in my D’s school who applied to 20 schools! We originally had 10 schools and after D was told she did not have enough targets, we made some changes and ended up with 12 schools. Then D decided against applying to U of Maryland and while looking to substitute added another school. So in the end we sent 13 applications, which is probably a lot, but we did it anyway. Two had waived the application fee so that helped a little.
I think kids are applying to more schools in the hopes of having more options.
Back in my youth when I went through process, I applied to three schools. Things have changed!</p>

<p>After I read my post I realized how many times I said “we”…I hope that does not make me a helicopter mom…</p>