History of Modern Thought GE cluster book...?

<p>has anyone in the History of Modern Thought GE cluster been able to find the book: APS history of modern thought by hunt?</p>

<p>they don't sell it at the ucla store and i haven't been able to find it on any other of the recommended sites for textbooks</p>

<p>thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Didn't the professor email you? </p>

I may have been confusing in my last message; the reader can only be purchased on campus at the bookstore. So you are meant to start reading after you have done that, hence later in September once you are here. If you want to get started and have a local library I enclose the syllabus for the course.


<p>Buy it at the store in person :)</p>

<p>ok, i get it now. thanks!</p>