Hokie hopeful

<p>I am an oos and I want to go to vt. My gpa is 3.3-3.4 and my SATs are 1130 (530 reading 530 writing 600 math). I played football and ran track and did a little community service beign an aide at a religious night school. I am going to be part of the school newspaper my upcoming year senior year. How do I fare in getting into vt.</p>

<p>hmm ur lil short from the average (<a href="http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/snapshot.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/snapshot.php&lt;/a&gt;), and each year the requirements goes up. so unless you have some good accomplishment from ur EC and sports i suggest you try to retake your sat and raise ur gpa a bit.</p>

<p>oh so to answer your question, unless you have something that set you apart from people with similar stats as you then you have an overall "less likely" chance to get in.</p>

<p>It's probably a stretch for you to get in if you don't improve both your GPA and test scores. Not impossible, but not easy. It also depends on which major you want to get in to.</p>

<p>I think it would help alot if you got ur SAT's into the 1200+ range because of your GPA but if you have a legitamate chance to play D1 sports it won't matter. I would say you get your GPA to 3.4 solid and 1200 SAT you'd be fine but right now I'd say your on the edge of admission.</p>

<p>well i don't know where the idea of me playing sports came into play.</p>

<p>hi, i have a similar average but a 1430 SAT (710 math, 720 CR). I have been on the school newspaper for all 4 years and am the head of a section this year.
3-Euro (as sophmore)
4-Physics B
3- Computer Science AB
Taking Economics, Physics C, Calc AB and Statistics next year.</p>

<p>do I have a solid shot? I'm out of state (from NY) and will probably apply regular b/c the amount of financial aid I get is crucial</p>

<p>basketb926 you'll have no problem with those SAT scores and your AP's, your activities and whatever GPA you have (as long as it's above 3.0) is just icing on the cake. OOS isn't too much of a problem because, as I've said, your credentials as you've posted are great. My cousin got accepted to tech and he's also from NY. They bring in a lot of NY/NJ/PA/MD people for out of state.</p>

<p>Basketb, as long as your GPA is decent you're pretty much in. It does sort of depend on major though. Engineering is a bit harder to get in to, but like I said, if your GPA is up above a 3.5 and your class rank is high you're probably in.</p>

<p>I don't know how high my class rank is but I go to a HS ranked like 35(ish) on the high school rankings. It's public but its considered one of the better public schools in the state.Also, my total (Unweighted) average is like 88.7. I don't know how that converts to the 4 scale but I believe its a 3.3. I want to go to VT for Engineering. I vistited in March and it was great, Tech is quite possibly my first choice school.</p>

<p>If I apply early decision and get in, what can I do if the financial aid I receive is not sufficient. Is there any type of opt-out clause? I would love to apply early but financial reasons are the one thing holding me back. Thanks in advance</p>

<p>If whether or not you can come is dependant on financial aid you should NOT apply ED. It's supposed to be binding, thats the point.</p>