Holding Colleges Accountable

Universities and colleges, even the private ones, are very much public affair. First of all, they mostly have a non-profit status which is a public policy matter. They also usually receive lots money from public sources (government grants, public foundations, etc) despite some of their “big endowments”. Their endowments won’t sustain them if the schools themselves or their faculty members don’t receive grants from government & public funding. All in all, they must be held accountable to the general public. Information such as standard test scores, GPAs, student rankings, etc, of applicants and admitted students should be published. The schools must provide detailed justification on increase of tuition & expenses at a much higher rate than inflation. There should be legislation to hold the school accountable. There have been so many corruptions going on in current college systems. Let’s start campaign to reform college education system.

“All in all, they must be held accountable to the general public. Information such as standard test scores, GPAs, student rankings, etc, of applicants and admitted students should be published.”
These ARE published and available. Look for Common data sets at each college.

Can’t you just look up the stats on c o l l e g e data.com.

http://www.collegedata.com college profiles include a subset of Common Data Set information, but may be more convenient to look up than Common Data Sets.