Holiday break length?

Hey quick question, how long is winter break/holiday break going to be?

You can easily find the academic calendars for fall 2015 and spring 2016 on the UMass website.

Well yeah I knew that…I just didn’t realize I had to ignore the “Winter Term” section(I was going straight to it since I was thinking “winter” break). It’s also not entirely clear when it says “Last day of classes” yet there are 6 things after that. Also, just seeing multiple “Holiday Break starts” could confuse people as well. So yeah, next time maybe just say the answer and then you can mention the calendar alongside it.

For others wondering(and if you’re starting in September), it goes from December 11 to January 19. That’s not including final exam days though.

“Holiday break starts” probably designates the day when the dorms will close at a particular hour, after the last exam has concluded. Obviously, many will leave earlier than that, but you must be out by that day and time.