<p>It's almost December. So what do you want for this holiday season?</p>
<p>acceptance to Wharton</p>
<p>a few things actually. a 2200 sat score…i’m not asking for more…although i hope to get more…i’m just being reasonable. a blackberry storm or iPhone. a 100 dollar american express gift card =] acceptance to some internship i’ve always wanted to do…a VERY HIGH gpa for my junior yr…a little sympathy from my parents who need to understand i DO work hard.</p>
<p>I want a new watch. Mine just broke into seven (7) pieces today. [I am not making this up] And I spent thirty minutes trying to duct-tap it back. </p>
<p>Of course, I want all the college-related stuff (acceptance, scholarships, and other things).</p>
<p>Too bad that I don’t celebrate christmas.</p>
<p>A car. I’m 19 years old and in my second year of college, and the only car I’ve ever gotten was a 20-year old, beaten-up Toyota Camry that my mom donated to charity without asking me, so I don’t think that’s asking for too much…</p>
<p>Most of my friends got new or near-new cars in junior and senior year of high school. -_-</p>
<p>A 2100+ on the SAT, A nice GPA increase, A new Ipod Classic, the securiety deposit on my summer volunteer trip and…a bed. XD (Sold my bed a while back, haven’t had the chance or money to get me a new one.)</p>
<p>^So are you sleeping on the floor?</p>
<p>To put it bluntly, yes. ^^;;</p>
<p>A Zuuuuune.</p>
<p>I really, really want one. I’m still not sure why.</p>
<p>iPod touch
a car
$100 giftcard to Amazon</p>
<p>no, I’m not asking a lot at all :)</p>
<p>What I want for Christmas:
- 2400 SAT for January SAT
- 36 ACT for December ACT
- Professor’s agreement to do a research project
- Acceptance into RSI
- Straight A’s
- A hot girl
- A social life
- To be cool and amazing</p>
<p>tomjones, you list gets more and more unrealistic towards the end hehe jk</p>
<p>Due to my parents financial struggles right now, I can’t ask for much.
Although, I hope my grandma overcomes her kidney tumor or some scientist discovers the cure to cancer.</p>
<p>^Sincere post. I like it. Yeah freaking economy, and I remember back then both my parents lost their jobs. I feel lucky both my parents still have their jobs.</p>
<p>Well since I totalled my car (please don’t bring up the Asians are bad drivers, it is a myth) I wish for a new one so I don’t have to ride the bus to school every day as a senior but it’s chill if I don’t get one. I’m just happy that during the winter break I should have turned in all my apps and I get to chill with friends and do things I couldn’t do before.</p>
<p>^wow how did you total ur car? Also, edit: another gift I want is a solution to procrastination, the knowledge of the meaning of life, and a sure way to get into Harvard. Also some really hot girls.</p>
<p>A friend to talk to. Robots with free-will accepted.</p>
<p>I am also a senior, and still riding the school bus. It gets a little annoy when people say “Man, you’re a senior??? Dang. I’m only a freshman”</p>
<p>The economy might be ruining my Christmas. We’ll see</p>
<p>A Biasia purse
A YSL Y-mail coin purse
iPod Touch
All the books I don’t have by Haruki Murakami and Joe Meno
Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri
Sweet Ruin by Tony Hoagland
RSI/TASP/MITES Acceptance (Don’t really want MITES, but in case I don’t get into RSI)</p>
<p>Oh, there was something else, but I can’t remember.</p>
<p>Nothing, lol. Maybe a little breathing room and “permission” to drive 500+ miles over break (oh, and gas and food money, lol)…</p>