Holistic Admissions

UW says their admissions are holistic but really, is there any way to make up for a lower-end GPA? It seems like if you aren’t in the top 10% of your class, it is essentially a no-go at Madison.

How low is your lower end GPA?

Several factors when considering your gpa. Is your junior year one significantly higher than your first two years of HS? Have you taken the most rigorous curriculum? Your ACT/SAT scores may be very high. UW will look at more than just that one gpa number. Remember that 25% of students need to be in that lowest quartile.

Most universities practice holistic admissions but the reality is GPA and test scores are still the most important part of the application, they want successful students. This is especially true at public flagship universities. So the holistic part comes in when you have some reason that your GPA/test scores are a little low, (school attended, family issues, opportunities afforded, etc.) but you still have to show you are a capable student.

ECs won’t make up for bottom tier gpa and test scores under an holistic approach. But, from your other post, a 362 and 31, with your high school guidance counselor commenting on your life situation in 10th grade which pushed your gpa down in their recommendation on the Common App, you should be solid for instate acceptance at UW.