Holy Crap

<p>The Berkeley board is quickly closing in on Stanfurd in terms of thread counts. It's been a long time coming, let's keep it up guys. In celebration, I picked up a link from one of the threads on the Stanfurd board:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.rlstevenson.org/ftpimages/28/misc/misc_14901.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.rlstevenson.org/ftpimages/28/misc/misc_14901.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Look at the guy ranked 45th. Got through ED apparently, how many generations of legacy did that take? Here are at Berkeley, we pull our own weights.</p>

<p>HELLO.....probably an economic/racial minority or athlete (which Cal DOES consider....)</p>

<p>I went to the rival school (and my cousin is currently boarding at Stevenson), and while I would love to badmouth RLS and Stanford, there are lots of bright kids there whose talents don't show up on GPAs and SAT scores. If I'm guessing correctly, Number 45 is a very good golfer who went to Stanford last year for his skills. It doesn't hurt that Stevenson is in Pebble Beach, California, the golfing Mecca of the world.</p>

<p>But regardless. One of my best friends is number 12 on the list and she got into Columbia ED because of her dance, not because of her grades (although a 3.98 isn't too shabby). In fact, I think number 14 went to Berkeley on a golf scholarship (I'm guesstimating on who's who on the ranking, obviously). But in the long run, what matters is that we beat RLS in soccer last year. W00t.</p>

<p>You think #45 is bad, scroll down to #87.</p>

<p>The last kid on the list went to Groundlings. What's that? Anyone know?</p>

<p>I thought that was a comedy troop.</p>

<p>It's one of the most known comedy troops in the world. Probalby, anyway. It is one of the most known in the US. Grandted, that isn't saying much, but many of the people on SNL worked their way through the Groundlings. It is quite presigious in the comedic community.</p>