Home sweet home

<p>Congrats to all incoming freshman</p>

<p>I heard that some folks perfer Vtech over UVa, especially engineering majors. I was wondering whether the social sciences programs at Vtech were any good. Also, how is Vtech in terms of campus security? I would imagine that the campus looks much different than it used...</p>

<p>Not really sure on social sciences. If you're comparing UVA to VT I believe that UVA is held in higher regard there but I'm really not sure at all. Campus is secure. The only real differences between now and a year and a half ago are there are a few more cops, the cops have scooter things, and you have to use your ID to get into the dorms. But campus is about as secure as a rural/suburban 20k person campus is going to get, which is pretty secure. I don't feel threatened walking on campus at night, and everything is pretty well lit.</p>