Homeschool- Keystone Online High School

Is anyone using Keystone High School? Do you like it? thinking about enrolling.

My D, homeschool 2015 graduate, took French III and IV from Keystone. We were extremely impressed with the courses, a lot of teacher-evaluated lessons, as opposed to fully-computerized ones, and an extremely reasonable price tag.

When we looked at online schools, we found the elite online schools to be impressive. Stanford Online High School and Dwight Global Online School are two examples.

Personally, we found other options better-suited to us. The foreign language didn’t work for my D–not enough teacher feedback and no conversation interaction. Science was decent, and I appreciated creative rather than rote types of assignments, but the online curriculum was cumbersome (hard to find info way back in slides–and assignments/tests didn’t always align perfectly with the online resources, as if one component or the other had been revised and the other hadn’t). It’s definitely a respectable educational resource, we just preferred others.