Homeschooled and in need of help

I have a bit of a unique situation and I am not sure what to do about college regarding financial aid and other aspects.
I lived in Virginia for about three years and then my parents quit their jobs, pulled the kids out of school (in April of all months) and moved us all to Hawaii. They also started homeschooling us which has been an interesting experience.
I’ll have lived in Hawaii for two years this upcoming June.
Since they pulled me out of school near the end of the year, I wasn’t able to take the final exams for my classes, which has me confused. I’m questioning whether or not I could state that I completed 3 years of French, or any other courses I was taking. I was also wondering if I still qualified for Virginia in-state tuition, what sort of financial aid I could qualify for and a lot more.
My parents aren’t being too helpful, as they want to keep me at home for the duration of college (which is funny considering they both went away to pursue higher educations).
I feel like I’m trapped and am fighting with both arms tied behind my back. It’s all just a bit overwhelming and I could really use some guidance and help.
Thank you.

You will not qualify for in-state tuition in Virginia. Your choices are to wait until you turn 24 and can legally (for college purposes) be declared independent, join the military, or have and support a child. Just moving out of your home won’t allow you to declare yourself independent.

Find out what college choices your parents will allow you to pursue. Are you limited to online colleges only, or can you apply to colleges in Hawaii? If you want to attend a college located in Hawaii, will your parents pay for your tuition? I would assume they would want you to commute?

What is your ultimate career goal? There are many paths to become educated, and I suggest you keep your eyes on your ultimate goal. Figure out what your options are for getting an undergraduate degree that will move you closer to your career goal. Work (if allowed) and save your money.

Yes, it is disappointing that you can’t go away to college. But if you can get past that, there may be other ways to get what you ultimately want. Then, you can move out, become independent, and not have to be controlled by your parents.

Hawaii is part of the Western University Exchange, WICHE/WUE. You can attend colleges in the western states for 150% of the instate tuition rate at the colleges that participate. Going to school in Hawaii is great too.

If your parent homeschool you, they have to keep recorded and they are your guidance counselors to certify all the work you have done. Did you finish those courses from Virginia? Did you learn all the required material? ACT/SAT scores are often very important for those homeschooled as schools base some merit aid on them since there is no class rank, no grading standards the universities can use to compare you to other applicants. Contact some schools and see what you’ll need to apply.

Getting married also makes you independent, right? Not suggesting it, just saying…

What do you mean by “interesting experience”? Interesting good, or interesting bad? Do you feel like you are keeping up with what non-homeschooled kids would be learning at your age?

So what have you been doing for school? If you will have been in Hawaii for 2 yrs, you must have been homeschooled last yr and are homeschooling this yr. Did you finish the subjects you were taking in 10th?

In order to apply to college, you will need your transcripts from your school in VA, homeschool transcripts from last yr and this yr and any possibly the 2nd semester of 10th (I have no idea how public schools function when you withdraw before the end of a semester.) You need standardized test scores, either the ACT or SAT. Depending on the university, you may need subject test scores. You also need to be filling in applications now.

If you don’t have all of the above, you may need to consider attending a local community college for 2 yrs and transferring. FWIW, applying as a homeschooled student is not difficult if you have records and standard evidence of academic success.

ETA: and you are definitely no eligible for instate tuition in VA. You are a resident of Hawaii. Those schools are now your in-state options.

Which island are you on? Perhaps @HImom has Hawaii-specific advice.