Homeschooling in senior year?

<p>Is it a good idea or bad idea? Would it be a disadvantage at this time?</p>

<p>That depends on your situation and your reasons for homeschooling. Are you a senior, thinking about starting to homeschool now, or a junior thinking about next year? If you've never homeschooled before, it might be hard to start now, but it can be done. How are your grades? If your grades are weak, you might look like you are "dropping out." How do your parents feel about it? If you give a little more information, more people might reply.</p>

<p>I have the same question. I'm a senior right now. I wanted to graduate early, but then I wouldn't be able to take the AP Exams in May. For several reasons, I don't want to go to school for second semester, but would pursue my studies independently while working. What would colleges think? Technically, they would accept me before I start homeschool, but could they rescind admission if I don't follow through with senior year plans? My teachers have told me it's perfectly respectable to start homeschool, as long as you can prove to colleges that you continued the coursework and completed high school education.</p>

<p>That's what I am doing, I'm at a state college right now doing my 12th grade. Trust me, that aren't that hard, they can't be that much harder then high school courses.</p>