<p>So I decided to go to a large state university this freshman year and realized it is nothing that I want and decided to transfer to a city school closer to home. I have 3 weeks left at this large state school in the middle of nowhere, but I cannot keep thinking about going home. I know 3 weeks goes by fast if you do not think about it, but I am just itching to go home for the holidays. I can't help cry all the time and hope to be back home with my family. I am excited to start at my new university next semester, but I just want to be done here and back home. any advice on how to handle/keep busy these next 3 weeks?</p>
<p>Stay busy. If you run or swim or exercise, do that every day. Go to class. Volunteer. Read for pleasure. Go browse the new fiction section at the library for books. Establish some small routines to pass the time, like stop and get a coffee at the same place daily. Follow the news or some other TV show. I’d say getting out of your room would make the time pass more quickly.</p>