<p>Just wondering if any of the CC'ers out there are the devout followers of ** Lord English*, I mean **LORD HUSSIE*</p>
<p>If so, add your OTP’s; I’d love to hear!</p>
<p>No, I don’t even know what that is.</p>
<p>Care to explain what that is exactly?</p>
<p>Not much of a shipper though. Kurloz terrifies me though.</p>
<p>HOLY REVIVE x2!!!</p>
<p>The Erisolsprite, guys. I am weeeeeeeak.</p>
<p>i think im the only guy into it</p>
<p>Ffaksfasjlfasasfjlak I love this so much you don’t even know, and I’m only in the middle of Act 5 Act 2 right now. I’ve been sick the past few days (I shall be back in school tomorrow though), and my life has basically been going on HS-related blogs on Tumblr. I love the fanart, fanfics, fansongs, and especially the voiced comics. And you can basically ship anyone with anyone else and it’ll be awesome…</p>
<p>My username should tell you what I think of Homestuck. :)</p>
<p>what the heck is homestuck??? all the girls have been talking about it i thought it was a nevershoutnever album >.<</p>
<p>c’mon guys</p>
<p>[Let</a> me google that for you](<a href=“LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You”>LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You)</p>
<p>99.9% of questions asked on any forum could be answered using google, if we googled everything this site would be dead</p>
<p>no, but a bunch of my friends are.</p>
<p>when i go to an anime convention and i see massive hoards of homestuck cosplayers, i shake my head. HOMESTUCK IS NOT ANIME. ~__~</p>
<p>^^not true. most of the threads on here can’t be replaced by google. I would know. I lmgtfy every thread where it can :D</p>
<p>I love you so much right now. </p>
<p>John/Dave and Jake/Dirk and Rosemary all the way yo!</p>
<p>-gets weird looks-</p>
<p>Forgot how to have fun while doing the Gifted IB.</p>
Not from me! 8D</p>
<p>Forgot how to have fun while doing the Gifted IB.</p>
<p>D’aww, thanks.
Haha, to be honest I like both of those too, but JohnDave… OTP. <333333
Alright, I’ll go gather up the propaganda! ;P</p>
<p>Eh, the Jake/Dirk ship is pretty sunk at this point. </p>
<p>The AR is a jerk, but EQUIUS COMING BACK IS HILARIOUS. </p>
<p>Yesterday I tried tracking Lil Cal’s journey through Homestuck. My brain is still throbbing.</p>